Chapter 5

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Jake's POV: 

We talked for hours. She's such a great person. She's so fun to talk to. She has the best laugh I had ever heard. The more we talked, the more connected I felt to her. I just have felt so drawn to her, but I have zero clue why. I'm not mad about it though. I just should not screw this up if I wanna find out. We had gone through a couple of more beers, and about a thousand more sarcastic comments before the others came in.

"Ellie!" Bob called out and waved. 

She looked back and waved. I could tell she wanted to go over. 

"You wanna go join them?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure! Talk to you later?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Find me after if you can!" She smiled and rubbed my arm. 

She ran over and jumped into Bob's arms. They hadn't really had time to just sit an relax together. Coyote and Payback came over to me and sat down. 

"What were you two doing together." Payback asked.

"Oh, you don't know? Jake is obsessed with Shadow." Coyote chuckled, earning a slap on the arm from me. 

"Shut up, I am not. We were just hanging out." I lied, not looking away from her. 

I could see her playing pool with Bob and Phoenix. She had the biggest smile on her face. 

"He hasn't stopped looking at her since she left to go over there." Payback chuckled.

"I'm kind of surprised he's obsessed with her, because he likes her, not because she's better than him." Coyote said. 

"Oh you think so? We'll see." I said to them.

As badly as I wanted to be the best, I am convinced that she's better than I am. She hasn't missed any "targets" at all. At first it annoyed me, because I have always been the best. But, I was impressed that someone was better than me. Maybe Maverick will pick Ellie and I to do the mission. There's no doubt that we would succeed on this mission. 

Ellie's POV:

I could see Jake staring at me from across the bar. He was smiling at me, and it made my heart flutter. I hated the fact that we went on one "date", and he was already making my heart flutter. I was never going to tell him that, because his ego would probably explode. Him, Payback, and Coyote were all having a good laugh together. He's such a fun person to talk to. Anyone around him was going to have a good time. Hell, in the couple hours they spent talking and drinking beers, I had the best time. 

" okay?" Phoenix asked, bringing me back into reality. 

"Yeah, Nat. Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at her.

"What's up with you and Bagman?" Bob asked me.

"Nothing, Bob. There's nothing going on." I told him.

"Well, good. He is kind of an asshole. You deserve better than that, El." He told me.

"I just talked to him for a couple hours, he is not like that." I tried to say.

"So there is something going on?" He looked back at me.

"No there isn't. Trust me, Bob...he was here when I got here. We just sat and talked." I explained, half lying. 

Bob nodded and the handed me the cue. He had always been protective of me whenever we're together. When we were in school, we had gotten so close. Especially after, when he flew with me on a bunch of missions, before going our separate ways. He's like my brother, and he can get very protective...even though he can be kind of awkward. I always had the best time with him. Rooster came and joined, and it made everything so much more fun. Rooster and I got along really well. It was like an instant connection. He treated Bob like his brother, and it made my heart really happy. 

All of a sudden, "Rhythm Of The Night" by DeBarge  came on the jukebox.  

"Ohhhhh hell yeah! I love this song!" I said loudly.

Then Rooster, Bob, Phoenix, and I all started singing. I started dancing, and Rooster danced along with me. I eventually got Bob to dance with me, and he held me and spun me in circles as I laughed and sang. Eventually everyone got into it and was dancing and singing. Phoenix had started dancing with Rooster and I kept dancing with Bob. I couldn't find Jake, but I was having so much fun, I forgot to look for him. Sooner or later, I figured it was time to leave. I said goodnight to Penny and let the Hard Deck. I couldn't find Jake, so I just assumed he got tired and left.

"Well that was very entertaining. Remind me anytime I go to the bar to bring you with me." Jake chucked as he started walking towards me. 

"Oh, there you are! I started to think you abandoned me." I chuckled.

"I was thinking about it. You looked like you were having fun." He started walking me to my car. 

"I was! I haven't had this much fun in a while." I told him.

"Why don't I take you to dinner tomorrow night after we're done training?" He suggested.

"I would like that, Jake." I turned and smiled at him. 

"I'll pick you up at 6:30." He told me.

I smiled and quickly kissed his cheek. 

"Goodnight, Jake." I smiled and got into my car.

"Night, Ellie." He smiled and walked away.

I can't believe all that just happened. The whole drive home, I was ecstatic. He was so arrogant and an ass at first, but he is so sweet, it made my heart melt. I mentally slapped myself in the face for getting attached so quick. It's gonna be so hard keeping this a secret if it goes anywhere. I'm so terrified for it to go any further...what if it all goes to the trash? What if this mission is a success and I never see him again? What if one of us gets killed on this mission? So many thoughts were running through my head, I couldn't fall asleep. I didn't want to not see him again, but I am so terrified of what might come out of it. It could be the best thing that's ever happened to me. Or it could end up being some of the worst moments of my life. 

Shadow (Jake Seresin)Where stories live. Discover now