Chapter 9

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Ellie's POV Cont.: 

Once Jake had finished, he had slumped down on top of me. He let go of my arms and I held him has be breathed very heavily. I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled.

"Did that just happen?" I thought to myself. 

He kissed my chest before getting off of me, and rolling onto his back next to me. All you could hear in his room is us breathing heavily. I looked over to him, and could see the sweat on his chest glistening from his bathroom light. I turned to face him, and put my head on his chest.

"I hope you know...that was literally some of the best sex I have ever had." He chuckled. 

I sat up and hit his chest. 

"You better be glad I was thinking the same thing." I laughed and kissed him again.

I could kiss him all day. He pulled me into him, and I laid my head back on his chest. He had one arm around me, and the other resting on my leg that was resting on his hip. We just rested in a comfortable silence. I could feel his thumb rubbing circles into my shoulder. I listened to the sound of his now calm breathing, and his heartbeat. It felt so euphoric just being in this moment. I could definitely get used to this. 

I almost wanted to fall asleep, but Jake got up to shower. 

"Ellie, you coming?" He asked from the shower. 

I laughed to myself. A week ago I thought he was the most annoying I'm getting in the shower with him. When I got in, he had just finished washing his hair.

"Get your hair wet." He smiled. 

After I did, he started washing my hair. My hair being washed has never felt so good. It was like basically getting a free massage. After he was done washing my hair, he kept placing kisses on he back of my neck and my shoulders. I quickly washed myself as Jake did the same. 

"I could get used to this." I chuckled.

"Good. So could I." He laughed. 

"Turn off the water when you're done. I'll go get you a towel." He kissed my lips once more before leaving the shower. 

I watched him leave and go get a towel for him and I. I was screaming on the inside. I couldn't believe everything just happened. I told myself in the beginning that this was never going to happen...and I was very much wrong. I had never been happier for being wrong in my life. When I got out he had just wrapped the towel around his waist. I couldn't stop staring at him, which made him laugh. He wrapped me in the towel, and then took another one to wipe my face. He was so sweet. 

"I grabbed some clothes from my dresser for you. They're on my bed." He smiled at me. 

"Thank you." I smiled at him then went to go change. 

He left me some folded up sweatpants and one of his t shirts on his bed. I smiled at how thoughtful he was. I quickly changed, and dried my hair. When I walked back into the bathroom, I saw Jake shaving. I smiled and hung the towel up on a hook. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and rested my head on his back. I felt him turn to look back at me, but then continue shaving. I occasionally kissed his back, and there were times I felt him laugh. I was so content just being like this. I felt him bend over to rinse his face. After he dried his face off, I loosened my arms so he could turn to face me. I felt him pull me into a hug, and we just stood there. He kissed the top of my head, and then just rested his chin on my head. I could feel him rubbing circles into my back. 

"Are you hungry at all?" He asked.

"Yeah kind of." I told him.

"Well...I may or may not have stuff for PB&J's down the hall." He chuckled.

"You're too sweet." I looked up and him and smiled.

"Oh I know. I'm the best." He said proudly.

I smiled and slapped his chest. 

"You just ruined it." I told him and began to walk out the room.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" He chuckled and ran after me. 

He grabbed my stomach then threw me over his shoulder, causing me to squeal, which made him laugh. He walked us to the kitchen, then placed me down on a barstool. He walked into the kitchen and pulled everything out. We were talking for a little bit as he made the sandwiches. 

"You put peanut butter on only one side?" I asked him.

"Is that not how you're supposed to make it? You didn't say anything from when I made them last time." He chuckled.

"I didn't see you make them last time." I laughed.

"Okay then how do you make them then?" He asked.

"You put the peanut butter on both sides." I told him.

"What?" He laughed.

"Here let me show you." I got up and showed him. 

He made his and I made mine. He watched me as I made mine. I could see him smiling.

"Okay, now try it." I told him. 

He took a bite of mine and chuckled.

"Okay. Fine. You win." He chuckled.

"I know. I always win." I told him which made him laugh. 

We sat at the barstools and talked while we ate our sandwiches. He was so fun to talk to. I felt like I could tell him anything in the world. If this was how my days could go, I would want everyday to be like this. I could talk to him all day. I could be with him all day. Sure, he was one of the most cocky and arrogant people I know...but he's the best guy I had ever been with.

"You tired, darling?" He asked, noticing my eyes getting heavy.

"A little." I tiredly smiled at him. 

He took the last bite and took our plates and put them in the sick. He stood me up, put my arms around his neck, and I jumped on him. He had one arm wrapped around my waist, and the other  held one of my legs up. He sat me down on the bed, and then left to go turn the lights off. He came back to the bed, and turned the tv on. He looked at me, and gave me a long kiss before settling into the bed. He pulled me into him, and we just laid there...slowly drifting off in each other's arms. It was obvious the only things on our minds were each other. Not Maverick. Not any of our other friends. Not our planes. Not even the mission. I couldn't tell if that should scare me or not. As good as I am, I hate the fact that he is better than me. I want to lead everyone on this mission, but I know how determined he is to lead everyone. Which is what scares me most.  

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