Chapter 4

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The next day were the same as the day before...getting familiar with the mission, and doing hours of flight maneuvers. Ellie was having the time of her life. While Ellie and the rest of other pilots were waiting for their turns to go, she saw Hangman and Coyote looking at something. 

"What are you boys looking at?" She put a hand on both their backs and leaned forward. Hangman stopped and looked at how close she was. She looked at him, waiting for him to say something. 

"We found Captain Mitchell. This is his graduating class for Top Gun." Hangman told her and nodded towards the picture.

"Damn he knows Commander Kazansky?" Ellie pointed at Iceman in the picture.

"Yeah but that's not who else he knew." Coyote said, and pointed to Goose.

"Is that Bradshaw's dad?" She asked.

"Yup. This is about to be very interesting." Hangman laughed.

"How is it interesting?" She looked at him.

"When we were going up yesterday, you could just tell there was something between them. And you didn't see them in the air yesterday. You would have thought they were going to crash and get each other killed." He told her. 

"Well damn. Do you think it has something to do with him?" She pointed at the picture.

"That's what I wanna know." He responded.

Coyote was about to say something when he was called to go up. Ellie was about to go sit down when Hangman called her back.

"Shadow!" He whisper yelled. She turned around confused as he nodded for her to come back. 

"Are you okay?" She laughed.

"I'm fine. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to the Hard Deck later for some drinks?" He leaned against the table.

"You aren't giving up are you?" She crossed her arms and chuckled.

"Would it be so bad if I said no?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes it would be. But fine. I'll meet you at 8 at the Hard Deck." She said and walked away to go talk to Bob and Phoenix.

It was obvious to Ellie that she knew she was attracted to him. Anytime he was near her she would want to just look at him all day long. Or when he looked at her when they were by the table. But she didn't want to get too attached. She has gotten too attached to guys in the past, and she's the one who's always ended up hurt. She was scared to do that this time. Especially when in a few weeks they'll be back to their own lives in different parts of the country...or the world for that matter. She knew by the time the mission was over and done with, Hangman would be long gone, more than likely trying to get with someone else. 

The rest of the day went by fairly fast. Ellie went home, quickly showered, and changed into some shorts and a t shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror and made sure her hair and makeup looked good. She saw the time and knew she should go, because she didn't want to be late. She got into her car and drove to the Hard Deck. When she went inside, she saw Jake sitting at the table with a couple of beers. He was wearing jeans, a t shirt, and his flight jacket. She mentally slapped herself for constantly thinking about how attractive he is. She chuckled and shook her head.

'Here goes nothing.' She thought to herself. 

She was going to get his attention, but since he was minding his business and not paying attention, she thought giving him a little scare would be more fun.

"Well you look halfway decent." Ellie joked. Her sudden arrival caused him to jump lightly. She smiled at her success. 

"Oh thanks. That's so thoughtful. You're so kind." He playfully rolled his eyes and handed her a beer as she sat next to him. 

"Did you do any digging on Rooster's dad?" She asked, attempting to start a conversation. 

"I did. Apparently they flew together when they were here. His dad was Captain Mitchell's backseater, Then they got into an accident." Hangman told her.

"An accident?" She looked at him.

"Yup. Apparently they spun out of control, and Bradshaw's dad died from when he ejected the plane." He explained. 

"Oh my god. What the hell, that's so terrible." She had a shocked look on her face.

"Yeah and I don't think Rooster ever let him forget it." He looked at her. 

"I think this is the most depressing start to a date I have ever experienced." She took a sip of her beer and laughed.

"Oh, so we are on a date?" He said, his face lighting up.

She lightly blushed and shrugged her shoulders. 

"What did you mean when you said 'yes it would be' when I asked if it was so bad I wasn't going to give up?" He asked her. She sighed.

"You do realize in a few weeks this will all be over, right? Once this is all over, we will more than likely never see each other ever again." She told him.

"You know it doesn't have to be that way." He continued.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You do realize now for damn near 4 days now, I have been trying to take you out on a date? It's been driving me nuts." He laughed. 

"I didn't realize you were actually serious." She told him.

"Every time I look at you, I can't stop looking at you. There's just something I'm drawn to, and I know you're gonna mention how we met not so long ago, but I really don't care. You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. The problem is you've turned me down so much in the last 4 days, I have never had a chance to tell you until right now." He laughed and playfully pushed her.

"Wow, you just had to ruin it. I will say, you were doing super well...up until the very end." She laughed and pushed him back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay, I'm sorry." He chuckled and held his hands up in surrender. 

"So what are you saying, do you wanna keep seeing me?" She asked.

"Only if you want to. I'd like to." He told her.

She thought about it for a minute. She was attracted to him, but she didn't know if a serious relationship was good right now. But, she also was so curious as to how far it'd go. She couldn't deny her attraction to him. She felt the same way he did. She couldn't stop thinking about him, and it was driving her crazy. 

"I'd like that." She told him. 

His face lit up even more.

"So, Harrison finally agrees to go out with me. Took you long enough." He joked again.

"One more slip up and we won't be." She laughed and pointed a finger at him.

She couldn't believe everything she was hearing. He liked her? He thought she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen? It didn't help either that he was one of the most attractive guys she has ever seen...and that he was interested in her. And he even offered to keep their little dates and now forming relationship between them? Damn. Maybe he wasn't so bad as she thought. 

Shadow (Jake Seresin)Where stories live. Discover now