Chapter 8

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Ellie's POV:

I woke up fairly early. Bob was asleep in a chair, and Phoenix was on the couch. I was with a ton of blankets on the floor. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about my phone call with Jake yesterday. He was so sweet about fixing everything...I'm kind of surprised that he talked to him for a good few hours. I wonder what they talked about. 

I looked at the was nearly 6. I got up and folded all the blankets, then got Phoenix and Bob up, so that they won't be late to the beach. I drove home, ate some breakfast, and changed into my swimsuit. It was a two piece, high-waisted black bikini. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. This was my favorite swimsuit, because of how it made me look. I could already see Jake's face for when I show up. I threw on a button up shirt, because it was a little breezy. I got in my car and drove to The Hard Deck. 

When I got to the parking lot, everyone was hanging out. Rooster had gotten there the same time as me, and waited for me to get out of my car.

"Well you look good, Shadow." He chuckled.

"I know I do, Rooster. Thank for reminding me." She laughed.

Phoenix got there right after, and caught up to us. Phoenix and Rooster got too focused on each other for them to notice I made my way over to Bob. It was so obvious they liked each other a lot. 

"What did they kick you out of their circle?" Bob chuckled as he sat on the trunk of his car. 

"Very funny. I'm convinced they'll get together by the end of this mission." I sat next to him.

"I agree. I agree. come you didn't tell us that Hangman was the one that called you last night, and not your dad?" He looked at me.


"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to cover it up. 

"Oh come on, El. I know you too well. Your dad calls every other week, not every week. Besides, the look on your face when you walked inside gave me the idea that it wasn't your dad." He chuckled.

"Are you mad?" I asked nervously. 

I knew Bob didn't really like Jake...which is why I was scared to tell him. He is like my brother and can be very protective.

"I'm not. I just don't want you hurt. He can be kind of an ass." He told me.

"While that is true, I know he is one of the kindest guys. He just never shows it." I told him.

"I just want you to be happy, Ellie. I may not be too crazy about you being with him, but I'll be open minded." He smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you, Bob." I smiled at him and gave him a side hug.

"I still think you could do better." He said with a laugh.

"Wow. You're not even giving him a fighting chance?" I chuckled.

"We'll see." He chuckled.

I playfully nudged him and laughed. We still had about 10 minutes before 7, so we sat there and talked for a little bit. I felt Bob nudge me, and he pointed over to Hangman walking up with Coyote. 

"Go get him, El." He chuckled.

I smiled at him and then hopped off his car to go walk up to Jake. He saw me and stopped in his tracks. He was almost stunned to see me. 

"Hey, guys!" I smiled at them. 

"Sup, Shadow. I'll give you two a minute." Coyote chuckled and went over to Phoenix and Rooster.

Shadow (Jake Seresin)Where stories live. Discover now