Chapter 14

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Training resumed for them a couple days later. When they got into their class, Vice Admiral Simpson was where Maverick would usually be. Ellie looked at Jake with a puzzled look. 

"Where's Mav?" She whispered to him. 

"I have no idea." He replied. 

Everyone filed into their seats, all having the same puzzled look Ellie had. Vice Admiral Simpson waited for everyone to come in before announcing Maverick wasn't coming back. Ellie thought something was off about the entire situation. Why get rid of their instructor so soon before their mission? Did Commander Kazansky's death affect him that much? What did he do wrong? Vice Admiral Simpson was telling us how the enemy was moving faster than usual, so our mission date was getting bumped up. Everyone had nervous looks. They weren't ready. They were getting there, but no where near ready to go so soon. He also was going against everything Maverick had been teaching us. 

"Sir, how is that possible?" Phoenix asked.

"We won't make it there before someone notices." Ellie chimed in. 

"It will be." He stated.

Just as he was starting to explain the new rules, flying speeds, and the heights when a plane flew into their system. Everyone looked at him confused, and he looked just as confused as they all did. All of a sudden, Maverick's voice comes through the intercoms. He announces to everyone what he is going to be flying by. It's what he's expecting us to fly by.

"Jesus." Ellie shook her head.

They looked at the digital map and watched Maverick's plane very cautiously. If he couldn't do it, no one could. They watched him increase speed as he still stayed low below the hard deck. He was keeping good time as he made every turn perfectly. Then towards the end, he made it upwards, went inward, and dropped his missile. He made a bullseye and flew upward and out of there in decent time. Everyone cheered as he made a bullseye.

"Damn!" Ellie said, very clearly impressed.

"Holy shit." Jake chuckled lightly. 

Vice Admiral Simpson looked defeated. 

"Pretty ballsy of him to do that." Coyote leaned forward to Jake and Ellie.

"No kidding." Ellie chuckled.

"They're 100% going to let him lead us on this mission. If they don't they're all crazy." Jake said to them. 

"That only leaves three spots for all of us to compete for then." Coyote replied.

"I would feel more comfortable being his wingman than leading the entire thing in general." Ellie pointed out. 

"Hopefully they figure out what the hell they're doing, because we can't keep wasting more time here." Jake said. 

"I'm sure they will today. We can do this." Ellie smiled at the both of them.

Jake looked at her and smiled. He grabbed her hand under the table and squeezed it assuringly. Vice Admiral Simpson finally left with Rear Admiral Solomon. Everyone assumed it was either to bring Maverick back or have him court-martialed. About 20 minutes later, Maverick returned. Everyone had a sigh of relief. Ellie had called it, they had asked him to lead them on the mission. He was to fly with them during training, and made sure they got the map down perfectly. There was no almost perfect in this situation. Maverick needed ensure they all will make it out alive. 

After class and their training, most of the group met back at Ellie's house for a barbecue. It was a perfect day, so why not try and keep the spirits high a week and a half before the mission. A lot of them weren't going to be flying and doing the hard part, but everyone was still going, and still being involved. Nat helped Ellie cook outside, while they sent Bob, Coyote, and Fanboy all inside to prep all the food. Jake and Rooster helped set everything up outside, and left everyone else do the hard parts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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