Chapter 2

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Ellie loved waking up with the beach air filling her room. She could get used to it everyday. She went on a quick jog around the neighborhood, saying hello to people she knew from when she was little. She did her grocery shopping, and she could see people filing in to the Hard Deck as she drove past it on the way home.

She unloaded her groceries, and quickly changed from sweats to a t shirt and shorts with her flight jacket and drove down to the Hard Deck. She used to come here a lot with her classmates when they had a free night. She walked in the bar and observed all the faces, trying to spot any familiar ones. Her had snapped over to the pool table area when someone called her name.

"Ellie! Is that you?" The man asked.

"Oh my god! Bob! Damn it's been so long!" She ran and hugged him.

"Bob has a girl?" She heard another man say.

Whoever that was, she ignored. He just sounded annoying to her.

"So...who is this, Bob?" She saw a girl ask.

"Oh yeah. This is Ellie. Her and I flew at Top Gun together, and then some, before we got put on different assignments." Bob started.

"Ellie, this Phoenix, Rooster, and Fanboy." He pointed to them as they smiled at her.

"That's Payback and Coyote." He pointed to the guys leaning against the tables. They smiled and nodded their heads towards her.

"And that is Hangman. He's one of the only people on active duty to have a confirmed air to air kill...well besides you obviously." He said as he saw Hangman's head shoot up.

"You have an air kill too?" Phoenix asked her.

"I do." She smiled.

"Ellie was one of the best pilots in our class. She graduated near the top." He boasted, making her blush.

"Oh, I've heard of you! Yeah that kill was talked about where I was stationed. We must've been nearby. It was so badass from what I've heard. I wouldn't be surprised if they picked you to lead whatever mission we've all been assigned to." Rooster told her.

"What did Bob say your name was again?" Hangman asked.

"It's Ellie." She chuckled and held out her hand. He smiled and shook her hand.

"It's interesting, Ellie. How come you're 'the best', but I have never heard of you at all?" He asked her, thinking it would push her buttons.

"Well if you're 'the best', then how come I've never heard of you?" She asked walking towards him.

"Well maybe you just never looked hard enough." He said looking at her.

"Mmmm I felt no need to look. Why look when I can just look in the mirror to see who's the best?" She smiled at him.

He smiled and took a sip of his beer and handed her a cue to play pool with him, Payback, and Coyote.

"Well they're a perfect pair." Rooster said to Phoenix.

"I know. It's almost scary." She said.

"Oh trust me, wait til she gets in the air." Bob told them both.

"This should be interesting." Rooster said before going to go get another drink.

Phoenix, Bob, and Fanboy joined the game. Ellie gave her spot to Bob as she left to go get a new drink. When she turned around, she saw Rooster starting to play the piano.

She grabbed Phoenix and Bob and pulled them along towards the piano. Ellie saw Hangman, Coyote, and Payback throw someone out of the bar before they came to join the rest of the group. Then Rooster began to sing. She got another beer for her and Bob, and they danced as Rooster sang. Bob was laughing as he spun her around. She hadn't had this much fun in so long.

After the night ended, Bob walked her to her car, and said goodnight to her. She saw everyone else and said goodnight to them. Hangman was parked next to her, and was waiting for her by his car.

"So what's the deal with you and Bob?" He asked.

"I'm sorry?" She asked.

"I know he said y'all went to school together, but there's gotta be something more there." He chuckled and walked over to her.

"There's not. Even if there was remotely anything between us besides friendship, it isn't any of your business." She looked at him.

"I was only asking." He held his hands up in surrender.

"Have a goodnight, Hangman." She shook her head and chuckled lightly.

"What do you say we go to dinner sometime?" He asked her, shooting his shot. 

She turned her head and laughed.

"Is this what you do? You meet a girl, push her buttons, then ask her to dinner?" She looked at him confused.

"What do you say?" He smiled down at her.

"In your dreams, Hangman. I'll see you tomorrow." She Chuckled lightly and walked away.

She couldn't tell what was so aggravating about him. She could tell he was a nice person, just chooses not to be. She wanted to try and be his friend, but that little moment he had annoyed her so much. Maybe it was just a rough start. Besides..she didn't know what this mission was or what was going to come out of it.

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