Chapter 3

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Everyone was so eager to find out what the mission was. They were all wanting to get up in the air, showing everyone what they were capable of. Once they knew what the mission was, they were concerned as to how they were going to successfully pull it off. Ellie mentally smacked her forehand as she saw the only seat left was next to Hangman. He saw her coming his way and chuckled. 

"Hello again." Hangman winked.

"Shut up." Ellie shook her head and chuckled.

"Who do you think is gonna teach us?" Hangman whispered to Ellie. 

"I have no idea." She looked around at all the other people.

"Attention on deck!" Someone yelled out.

Then they started to describe who was going to teach them.

"I give you Captain Pete Mitchell...callsign 'Maverick'." Rear Admiral Warlock Bates announced.

Ellie took one look at him and then looked at Coyote and Payback, who looked very embarrassed, and then looked at Hangman, who was pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"Is that not the guy you threw out last night?" She asked.

"Yup...." He said, his face turning red as he awkwardly smiled at Maverick.

"This should be good." She chuckled.

Maverick explained what we needed to do for the mission. He explained how he needed  four pilots out of all of us to fly this mission. Ellie looked over at Hangman to see him looking back at Rooster, and then at her. He smiled and winked at her, causing her to shake her head and look back at Maverick.

"What is with him?" She thought to herself. They met a day ago. He couldn't be interested in her that quickly. Besides, he saw her as a competition. She will try and be friends, but she can't let her guard down. Otherwise, She may miss out the a mission of a lifetime.

Once she was up in the air, this was her time to shine. She went up with Payback and Fanboy.

"You people ready?" Maverick asked.

"Yes, sir!" All three of them said in unison.

"Alright...then let's get this show on the road." Maverick said, and then flew in between the both of them.

"Shit!" Ellie yelled.

"What the hell!" Payback yelled.

Ellie broke right as Payback followed. Maverick followed closely behind them. They flew in such a pattern, that it was almost difficult for Maverick to keep up.

"Shadow, I can't get him off my tail!" Payback yelled.

"Don't worry! I got you!" She yelled.

She flew up and around, and as she came back down, she managed to have a clear shot of Maverick.

"Oh my god." Payback said as he watched her fly in a huge circle.

"That's a kill, Captain Mitchell." She said proudly.

"She's so badass." Fanboy said.

"Alright Shadow, Payback, and Fanboy...get back to base." he told them.

They flew very excitedly back to base. Once they landed, Payback and Fanboy ran over to her pats on the shoulders.

"You were so great, Ellie!" Payback smiled.

"Yeah, you would be such a great leader on this mission!" Fanboy smiled.

"Okay boys, don't get too's only been a day." She chuckled.

They both walked back inside to cool off. She looked down and saw Phoenix, Bob, and Hangman all doing their 200 push ups.

"Did you guys beat him?" Phoenix asked in shock. No one had beaten him except her.

"Yup! Ellie flew in this huge circle and got him from above!" Fanboy said, mimicking her moves with his hands.

"Yeah! She saved our asses." Payback smiled.

She walked over to where Hangman was and knelt down in front of him.

"And that, my friend, is why you don't leave your wingman." She playfully winked and gave him a cheeky smile. He just stared at her. He was almost mesmerized by her. He had never met someone who matched his energy almost completely before.

She chuckled and walked back inside. She could stare at him all day. She couldn't help but think that thought. They'll be back to their own live in a matter of a few weeks, so she was convinced he wasn't really interested in her. She turned around and saw him still looking at her. She hated the fact that she wanted to keep looking. She met him yesterday, she didn't know why she felt the way that she did. She almost wanted to take him up on that offer for dinner. She just might...just to see what it was about.

She did another round about an hour later with Coyote and she managed to beat Maverick that time too. Hangman was inside watching her come inside. She had a huge smile on her face.

"How is she the only one who's gotten him?" Phoenix asked.

"She's that good. I was telling y'all, but y'all didn't wanna listen to the guy in glasses." Bob chuckled.

"Damn." Hangman said impressed.

She walked back in, satisfied with her flying that she's done today.

"I'm starting to think you are better than me." He chuckled.

"I'm not surprised. It's 100% true." She chuckled.

Hangman was about to say something when Maverick walked through the door.

"Lieutenant Harrison." He called out.

"Captain Mitchell." She stood in front of him.

"That was some of the best flying I have seen so far. I just wanted to congratulate you." He told her.

"Thank you, sir." She said.

"Your talent could be very promising. Good work today." He said to her.

"Thank you sir." She said again.

He nodded then looked to Hangman, her ego obviously being boosted by the compliments.

"Nice." Hangman looked at her impressed. He was about to say something, but got cut off by Maverick. 

"Hangman. Rooster. You two are my last ones." He told them, then walked back outside.

"Sorry to cut the conversation short, darling." He asked.

"Have fun, Bagman." She chuckled.

Bob watched their small interaction. He gave her a confused look and she gave him the sign that it was nothing. She figured "What the hell...what's a little fun while I'm here?" Maybe outside of the base he isn't so bad. There was only one way to find out.

Shadow (Jake Seresin)Where stories live. Discover now