𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬

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haitani ran never really cared for his well-being nor did he care if he were to live to see another day.

being one of the top delinquents in roppongi taught him the dangers that he needs to face to uphold such a title along with his brother- but he didn't care of course, he knew what he was doing since the day he declared that the haitani brother's are going to take over roppongi.

however- the guy was still nothing but an eighteen-year-old who doesn't have the word 'rest' and 'care' in his little dictionary of common sense.

so imagine how crushed his pride was walking up to an isolated clinic just a few blocks away from where he and his brother got unexpectedly cornered by a bunch of thugs.

don't get him wrong- they knew that they would've curb stomped those lowlife's down to ashes, but they came out of nowhere and ran didn't have his baton with him at that time.

he didn't know where rindou was at, seeing as the two ran in separate directions after being ambushed.

and that's how haitani ran found himself in front of the clinic.

it wasn't rare to see a random clinic just beside a rundown bar- a lot of delinquents like him often visits clinics like these to get patched up after a fight and if they don't have the needed tools and equipment to clean up after themselves.

the smell of alcohol and sterilized equipment flooded his senses, listening to the soft buzzing of the radio that was positioned near the front desk.

for a clinic that's located in a very dangerous area of the city, it's pretty well kept- begging to be robbed or even have its workers as suitable hostages for drunkards out there.

his eyes landed on the girl sitting at the front desk, magazine in her hands that took all of her attention away from him.

ran coughed, catching her attention as (e/c) eyes met with his purple ones. the male expected the worker to be shocked or at least scared that there's a beaten up delinquent right in front of her.

but she merely gave him a grin, standing up from her desk, and even waved at him like they were close friends.

"i take it that you want to get patched up?"

"no shit. where's the direction to the nurse?" the female laughed at his bluntness, urging him to sit down as she took one of the med kits from under her table with a smile on her face.

"i'm the only one who's working the night shift. so you have to deal with me tonight."

ran said nothing, sitting down on a random chair with his eyes closed, a sigh leaving his mouth as he felt the 'nurse' walk up to him and began inspecting the damage.

he couldn't care less if she pours even alcohol in his wounds, what matters is that he gets fixed up and leaves the clean place- it's too sterile for his liking.

soft fingers placed themselves on his chin, gently tilting his head to the side as the feeling of the alcohol-soaked cotton began cleansing his cuts and scratches.

"i'm sorry if this hurts, your cut here looks deeper than the others."

the faint scent of (f/scent) mellowed down the strong stench of the alcohol prodding on his wound, weirdly calming him down as he lazily opened his eyes to see her focused ones looking at his cuts.

she was a bit too close for his liking- but as long as she gets the job done then he doesn't care.

her fingers left his chin and on his forehead, brushing out his long strands of dual-colored hair and cleaned out the scratches there. eyes roaming his face to see if she had missed any more cuts that needed to be cleaned.

𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now