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amidst of all the violence and just sheer stupidity, the haitani brother's also had their day off's where they would just laze off around the house.

whether the youngest would be binge-watching his favorite show or the oldest who'd always rearrange where things should be inside their humble abode, the two would bask in this moment of peace and quiet away from the life of violence.

on this particular sunday afternoon though, haitani ran can be heard rearranging the already perfectly arranged bedroom- moving the desk from one side to another that causes the wooden object to let out an obnoxious noise as it scrapes the tiled floors.

normally rindou would've ignored it and go back to watching his telenovelas, but it's gotten to the point that his brother would be moving the same furniture for an hour and still wouldn't stop.

with a final huff of annoyance, the younger sibling decided to take action on ran's weird behavior and stormed inside their shared bedroom- startling the once concentrated male who had his hands on the table.

the taller male let out a sigh of relief, giving him a smile as if he wasn't just thinking about throwing the goddamned table out of the window.

"rin! you done watching your movies?" he asked, moving the desk slightly to the right that caused the slightest of squeals that made his brother groan.

"how can i watch them when you're fucking moving things all over the place?!" the youngest complained, gesturing at the room that used to be organized- now looking like a fucking tornado passed through their room.

ran let out a small 'oh', before going back on moving the desk to the other side of the room. he was shocked when rindou came up to him and literally slapped his hands, causing the furniture to drop with a loud thud.

"what the fuck's going on with you? you never spend more than thirty minutes fixing things- are you sick?" purple eyes glared at him through their glasses, eyeing the older brother with a fixed gaze that even ran knew he wouldn't let out of.

"i have no idea on what you're talking about." the male said, pretending that everything was okay- his behavior made the youngest of the two almost pull at his hair as he sighed deeply trying to compose himself.

this is just ran- no big deal.

"you've been acting weird since you got home yesterday from that little sleepover of yours. where did you even go anyways?"

and this was when ran knew that there was no way of getting out of his situation, rindou has finally caught on with his change of demeanor and now he has to spill the beans- which he was very reluctant on doing.

but he knows that his younger sibling means well, knows that rin will always be there for him and he's the same.

with a small sigh leaving his lips, the dual-hair-colored male sat down on the bed with his eyes closed- thinking back to the other night's unfortunate events. purple eyes merely looked at him, waiting for the male to spill out what was on his mind.

"there's this girl that i like. she's wild as hell i tell you." he chuckled, letting his back hit the soft mattress as his eyes stayed train on the ceiling above him.

"she's the chick that you've been hanging out with?" rindou asked, a bit intrigued that someone had managed to steal the heart of his usually cold brother.

it's just like on one of the movies that he watched last sunday- oh my god was he the director?

"yeah, y/n."

"to be honest with you man i don't even know how this all started. we kinda just been hangin' out and suddenly i'm hooked- you get where i'm at?" the younger sibling nodded, fully invested in learning more about his brother's love life- fuck the movies, this one's more entertaining.

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