𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬

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it's been weeks since haitani ran was able to freely taste the adrenaline coursing through his veins as his fists connected with heads- not bothering whether or not he got blood on his uniform.

the male was hanging out with y/n before he received a call from his younger brother saying that there was a gang wanting to confront the infamous haitani brother's of roppongi.

and who was he to turn down the opportunity to bring them to their deathbeds?

only fools who live under rocks wouldn't know about the notorious delinquents ruling over the city, and only mere shit heads would be stupid enough to even challenge them to take their place.

(e/c) eyes were trained on him and only him- not caring if his face had splatters of blood on them or the disgusting sounds of their skulls being bashed onto the pavement below them, she didn't care one bit as long as he wasn't in their places.

the older of the haitani brother's made sure to take her with him, promising that they'd continue on with their little adventure after stopping for a detour at a sketchy alleyway where rindou was waiting.

of course, the youngest brother was tasked to protect her from viewing such ghastly sight- but the girl herself chose to watch the one-sided fight that was happening right in front of her.

it wasn't the first time that she had seen him beat up other people til they're not recognizable, remembering the second time that they met when he almost killed those nasty pigs that society calls 'men'.

you'd expect her to be scared of him, wanting to be nowhere near him or be related to him in any shape or form- but that's where you're wrong.

because l/n y/n wanted to be beside him even if he's covered in blood that's clearly isn't his- guys who can fight can surely protect her from harm, and that's one thing that she had fallen for him.

any normal beings would be wary or even terrified of haitani ran once they saw what he's capable with- but she wanted to see him in action more, wanting to see just how far he can get to those who defy him and his brother.

with a final punch to the face, the dual hair colored male stood up, looking down at the unconscious bodies that he had created with pride.

"that's what you get for trying to mess with the king's." he gave them a lazy yet malicious grin, knowing that they wouldn't be able to walk around the streets acting like they own the place anymore.

the male looked to the side, purple eyes meeting with ones that held a look of amusement- kind off shocked that she was watching all this time.

well, he should've expected that since he did take her with him in the first place.

"you were looking?"

now don't get him wrong, haitani ran loves it when he's got people's attention whenever he's beating someone's ass into shape- loving the scared murmurs that the crowd is having and that's all because of him.

but right now, it's his first time being scared on what other's think of him- especially a specific girl with (h/c) hair.

the thought never crossed his mind even when they've been hanging out for almost a month, so it's safe to say that he's in the middle of being scared and just anxious....

was she scared of him now?

he knows that this wasn't the first time that she had seen him in action, but the first time that she had actually seen him beating up some lowlife's was when he saved her from her assaulters- do that wasn't much of an issue since he was helping her.

but in this scenario, he was seen beating up people for no reason at all except for him and his brother to maintain their reputation and spot as the top delinquents in the entirety of roppongi.

and he's painfully aware of what people think of him whenever he's seen doing just that- terrified.

was she going to avoid him because of this?

he should've had thought about it more before he had mindlessly allowed her to follow him around- knowing the risks and overall danger that would've happened if there was a sudden accident that ensued.

was she-

purple eyes looked down when he felt warm hands cupping the sides of his face- meeting with concerned ones that stared up at him in sincerity.

"are you alright? you didn't hit your head now did you?"

y/n tried her best to snap him out of his trance, noticing how his fists clench and unclench with what ever thoughts he had plaguing his mind- immediately leaving the younger brothers side to console him.

ran looked down on her with a mix of guilt and shock, hands wrapping around her wrists and basked on the warmth of her mere hands- finding solace and comfort in them that he had never felt before.

it was so uncharacteristic of the male to do it, but can you blame him?

all he wanted was for the girl that he likes to not disappear from him just because of some honest mistake- and receiving her touch alone was an indicator that she wasn't leaving anytime soon.


(e/c) eyes widened when she felt him lean down, resting his forehead on her shoulder as he let out a short yet shaky sigh.

the two of them didn't know what was going on- y/n being confused because he wasn't the type to get all sappy with her, especially in public. and ran confused because he didn't know why he felt that way.

it's obvious that he has feelings for her and he knows it- but he just couldn't explain why his heart felt like it was about to burst the moment he leaned into her touch.

rindou left the scene as soon as his brother showed that simple sign of affection. and as much as he wanted to stay and watch the whole thing unfold like he was watching his regular drama movies- he knew that the two of them needed space.

hands immediately went up to his head, caressing them with gentle affection in each touch as his eyes closed to bask in her warmth.

(e/c) looked at him with a small smile on her face, knowing better than to comment any teasing remarks since she felt his sincere and genuine fright from whatever was on his mind- thankful that it either left or he had managed to forget about it.

"thank you..."

"i've got you you big baby." she chuckled, embracing his lean figure as ran regained his thoughts and breathing.

embarrassment replaced his feeling of fright, slowly pulling away from her with a small blush coating on the apples of his cheeks as he tried his best to look at anything but her.

y/n was more than happy that he was back, and although the girl was curious as to what led him to be suddenly affectionate- she respects his privacy and is more than willing to act as his emotional support.

after all, he is helping her out with her little list- it's the least that she could do to repay him.

she chuckled at his awkward expression, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulders to get his attention. thankfully, he had swallowed enough of his pride and managed to look her in the eyes.

"let's go get some ramen alright?"

ran had a gentle look in his eyes, thankful that he had someone as understanding as her- excluding rindou because... reasons yeah?

he wasn't a religious guy- growing up with no knowledge about what's written in the bible due to his parent's not believing in them as well.

but, maybe he'll make today an exception and give a quick prayer to the gods, thanking them for sending him someone that he can put his trust onto.

the dual hair colored male grinned, letting her lead the way as a smile etched itself on her face- fingers immediately circling his wrist to drag him out of the sketchy place.

"let's go raid another convenience store!"

"y/n, no."

𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now