𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬

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haitani ran's definition of fun consists of one thing and one thing only- and that was beating the shit out of people until they're either unconscious or on the verge of death.

so it's safe to say that he didn't know what the hell he was doing standing in line waiting for their turn on the children's ride.

the male was dragged out of here by a certain (h/c) hair-colored female when she vaguely told him that they were going somewhere fun- and knowing the girl for the past few weeks now, her definition of fun is mostly spontaneous and all-out dangerous.

but alas, it seemed as if though the god's finally let him rest when y/n dragged him to a small carnival that was being held in yokohama, the smell of salt water along with the bustling food stands reached his senses the moment that he stepped inside the place.

this was the first time that the dual-hair-colored male has attended a carnival or something similar to it- having no money nor time growing up to even enjoy his childhood when he was busy taking care of his younger brother.

children of all ages ran past the two with candied apples in their hands, wearing bright smiles on their faces as their parents struggled to keep up with them- always so cautious about the dangers that may happen inside the light-filled place.

y/n told him that in one of her list, she wanted to ride all of the available destinations that they're allowed to go- and if not then she'll just use her scary dog privileges to fright the ride conductors.

the two were currently standing in line waiting for a turn on the merry-go-around, small hands clenching on his sweater sleeves as he let his eyes roam at the sight in front of him.

ran never knew how or why people find this ride fun, it's just a bunch of brightly colored horses that you sit on- doing nothing but letting the damned thing take you around laps and that's it, what's so fun about that?

despite him internally grimacing and puking at the sight of all of these happy faces around him, he didn't have the heart to refuse the (h/c) haired girl who wore the same excited expression similar to the children around them- maybe even a brighter one that put that one kid's smile to shame.

"i always wanted to ride on one of these after seeing it on t.v- but we never actually had the money to afford a single ticket." she muttered, gazing at the porcelain horses that carried around children and couples alike- noticing the bright looks that they had painted on their faces.

violet eyes peered down to look at her, liking the way how a simple childish ride can lift her mood up- maybe even dangerously cute since his heart started doing summersaults inside of his chest because of this.

"how can you even afford it now? did the clinic give you extra pay?"

"who said that i was the one paying?" ran should've known that tonight was too good to be true- because there was never a night that this girl that he was crushing on wanted to do something normal.

maybe in her own dictionary, everything that they've done was normal. but in normal circumstances, people would think of her as someone who has recently escaped from the nearest mental hospital and is now running loose.

a sigh escaped from his lips, closing his eyes in disappointment as his wallet felt heavier inside of his pockets. it's a good thing that he had managed to sneak off some random wallet from the thug that he had beaten up prior to this moment.

"this is why i told you to cross out the stupid shits in that list of yours-" the male was cut off when the (h/c) haired girl tugged on his sleeves as the two walked forward.

y/n couldn't help but let out an excited squeal as they were taken to their respective horses, hers being (f/c) while ran had the classic beige horse. he was awkwardly hunching forward with his arms supporting him as he leaned on the back of the horses head, sighing for the nth time tonight as the ride started to move.

𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now