𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐬

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living all alone and providing for herself at the ripe age of eighteen has never crossed her mind until the day came that made her decide to move out and continue on with her days in the city of roppingi.

ah yes, l/n y/n chose the city known for its lively nights- neon lights and the smell of liquor are the first things that always welcome her whenever she goes out of her apartment and carry on with her night in the clinic.

now it wasn't like the girl had an abusive or toxic household, no.

but she found it easier for both her and her single mother if she were to move out and live on her own, that way her poor mother won't have to spend restless nights working from one shift to another just to provide food on the table for the both of them.

and this also gave her an opportunity to go out and live her life- doing things that she wasn't allowed to do before either because they didn't have any money or because she didn't want to disappoint her hardworking mother by going home at midnight drunk out of her mind.

this is why the (h/c) haired girl made a bucket list a day before she had to move out, listing all the things that she wanted to do by the time that she steps foot into a new environment that mind you- is quite dangerous for a teenager like her especially if you're walking through these empty streets alone.

y/n knew that it wasn't easy getting money to buy you your wants and needs- which is why she applied for the first job that her eyes had seen on this sketchy little paper that she had found on the train.

a worker for a small clinic, seems easy enough even though the girl never once had any experience in the medical field- what could possibly go wrong?

well, there are many things to consider that could go south when working all alone in a clinic located in a sketchy fucking neighborhood- ears straining as she listened to the music blaring on the bar beside the sterile building with a sigh escaping her lips.

and here she thought she could finally get out in the open and party like crazy.

at first, the teen thought that she was just going to be a helper to professional health workers, but never did she imagine that she was actually going to handle everything during her night shifts.

from cleaning up after the morning shift, making sure that all their supplies are stocked, and even patching up some lowlife scums whilst listening to them complain about their pathetic loss to someone younger than them.

the haitani brothers, are what she would always hear these men grumble under their breaths as she rubbed alcohol onto their seemingly deep and severe injuries that professionals should definitely take a look at and not an inexperienced teenager like her.

based on what she had gathered, these brothers started from nothing and eventually made their way and claimed the title of the top delinquents on roppongi- cleaning the streets free of rats that could possibly get in the way of their earned fame.

sounds awesome if she does say so herself. i mean, they were roughly about her age- or the older brother of the two is the same age as hers based on what this one dude told her.

teenagers beating down grown-ass men like they were nothing but flies that annoyed them both. y/n was intrigued by the infamous brothers and more so wanted to meet at least one of them to see the real deal.

what do they look like? do they look like her drug addict of a neighbor? are they possibly on steroids to be able to defeat men twice their age?

no matter, she could always ask her regular customers what they looked like and how they got themselves into their pathetic little situation again.

𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now