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if someone were to tell seventeen-year-old haitani ran that in just a year he'd be trailing behind an eighteen-year-old girl whom he had met at a random clinic just down the block like a lost puppy- that person would be either dead or severely injured, no in between.

i mean come on- him? the haitani ran? trailing behind some lowlife girl like his life depended on it?

don't try to make him laugh or else your face would pay the price for it.

but of course, even top delinquents like him needed to bite down on their pride even for a little while- you'll never know how much can change in just a year, no?

that's exactly what the oldest of the haitani brothers is doing right now, standing in front of the sterile looking building with his hands inside of his pockets.

ran was told to wait another thirty minutes for y/n's shift to end before they can go out and begin on their 'bucket list adventures' as the female would call it.

why was he even here waiting out in the cold for her when he clearly had every right to decline or not show up at all? was he finally losing his mind from repeatedly listening to his brothers playlist that made him decide to tag along with the (h/c) haired girl?

whatever reason that got him to agree with all of this- he knew that he'd get something out of everything, even delinquents like him needed some thrill in their lives as well don't they?

and i don't mean the type of thrill that you'd feel when you're beating up a group of delinquents nor the type whenever you ride on a motorcycle- clearly not wearing any protective gear and going over the speed limit.

no, ran was trying to chase something different other than the usual adrenaline that pumps in his veins- something to change up and mellow down his dangerous lifestyle yet still keeps that feeling of excitement to it.

and l/n y/n was clearly his first choice.

when the two first met, her outgoing personality seemed to made the gears in his head shift a bit- the dual-hair colored male was albeit taken aback by this since no one really treated him like she did.

ran instantly knew that whatever drugs this girl was taking, he wanted them too. to not be afraid of a well-known delinquent in the city of roppongi must've taken her some guts, but he's also impressed by this.

there was something to the female that made him feel that she's the mellowed thrill that his guts have been yearning for, and that's exactly why he decided to stay and see where this little adventure will take him to.

it wouldn't hurt to slack off for a bit and leave the usual street rats cleaning duty to rindou right?

the cold air nicked on his skin, braided hair cascading down his shoulders as he aimlessly gazed at the starry sky above him to pass the time- only having less than ten minutes before y/n is done with her shift.

god, did he wish that she'll hurry her ass up or else he'll pass out of sleepiness right then and there, not caring if his back will hurt the next morning because of how awkward his position'll be laying down on his motorcycle.

lazy purple eyes watched the sakura blossoms flutter in the wind as its sweet floral scent reached his senses, scrunching his nose in disgust at how pungent the smell was- if you can't tell ran really hated anything sweet smelling.

his mind was brought back to earth when he heard the glass doors opening, loud clinking of the chains and padlocks can be heard all over the empty street as the (h/c) haired female was seen locking the place down for the night.

the male stood up, feet padding to where she was as (e/c) eyes met with his- weirdly enjoying the way on how a smile etched itself on her face just by the sight of him.

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