𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞

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of course, haitani ran never returned to the clinic- never intending on wasting his time visiting a girl that he barely knew when he can just be out here on the streets beating thugs to maintain his and his brother's title as the top delinquents of roppongi.

and that's what they were currently doing, walking along the sketchy alleyways with a baton at hand as they watched with a careful eye out for any possible threats.

it was nothing but a regular saturday night in the city- knowing that drunkards and lowlife delinquents would come scurrying out of their hiding places to try and take over roppongi without alarming the haitani brother's, oh boy how wrong they were.

do they really think that they have a chance on dethroning the duo out of their place? if so then they're probably living under a rock or doing drugs for them to be thinking that.

"should we check the regulars? they're probably back and haven't learned their place yet." rindou muttered, pushing his glasses up as they reached the end of the alleyway with no threats found.

ran hummed in reply, both turning back and heading towards the place where their regular competitors would usually meet up and talk about ways on how to outthrow the brothers.

it was nothing but an old abandoned shop right in front of a cheap-looking apartment complex, the sounds of their usual chatter and beer bottles clinking as the two walked closer to the place ready to beat their asses back to where they belonged.

"why don't you come hang with us for a little while?"

"you feelin' like drinkin' vodka or beer?"

"no thank you- i have to go to work."

this made the older of the two brothers to raise a brow, wondering what mess these thugs are getting themselves into as they finally saw what was happening in the middle of their little shitty hang-out spot.

three- no maybe four men were cornering a familiar (h/c) haired female, beer bottles in hand as they tried coaxing her to join in on their 'fun'.

now this made ran annoyed.

sure he's a little bit brutal when it comes to beating people and just owning the entirety of the city of roppongi- but even he has a little bit of self-control and respect for others especially when it comes to women.

he may not look the part, but he really does respect them and always made sure to teach rindou how to as well- if not then he'll just slap some sense into him.

with a flick of his baton, the loud sound of the metal springing up turned everyone's attention on them- even the female who had her (e/c) eyes wide in recognition.

"now what's going on here?"

"haven't we already taught you shits your lesson? or are you just too dumb to listen to the lecture?"

ran turned to look at his brother with 'that' look, nodding his head in her direction as rindou got the message and took the girl by her arm and dragged her away- to which the drunk thugs complained at this.

"hey man- we're just trying to have some fun this time!"

"yeah! it's not like we're stealing your reputation from you guys-" the older sibling wasn't having it, immediately swinging his baton on their faces with a satisfying smack.

even from where y/n was, she can hear every bone in their body either being bent or broken- to which she just stared in awe as rindou watched in disinterest, not liking the way how his brother was posing at the moment.

with his feet on one of the delinquents' back, he applied pressure to it as he leaned down with a lazy grin on his face- purple eyes glowing with malice.

𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now