𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬

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to say that haitani ran was restless is an understatement- poor guy hasn't had even a wink of sleep due to both worry and content.

content since he managed to confess to the girl that he liked and her actually reciprocating his feelings back, should've confessed sooner if he wasn't such a pussy to be honest.

and worried because today was the inevitable day of l/n y/n's surgery.

after their little moment that the two shared on the park, the oldest haitani sibling made a promise that he'd be the one to take her to the hospital and be there just incase her mother can't make it- promising that he won't leave her in her time of needs.

the male was aware that getting a surgery that has half of your life depending on it is stressful and surely nerve-wracking, and he knows that inside of that cheery bubble of happiness that
she had put up, she's suffering from them.

so he did his absolute best last night to make sure that she gets her needed rest, walking her back to her apartment and staying there until she fell asleep.

ran was there in every step of the way, talking nonsensical things just to stop her mind from overthinking- he even let her style his hair if that means that it'll keep her from thinking about her surgery.

he went home that same night. as much as he wanted to stay so that his face was the first thing that the (h/c) haired girl can see- he also has his duties as an older brother.

and even though his head was resting on the softest of pillows and body wrapped in a warm blanket, he really couldn't keep his mind off of things and laid there all night trying to sooth his own heart.

the dual hair colored male was so focused on y/n that he had forgotten about his own heart that nearly bursted when he had been reminded on what tomorrow brings.

though, he did manage to have an hour of peace when his mind went back to the earlier activities- how she smiled underneath the blossoming tree that he thought he hated with a passion.

he could still feel her soft lips on his, the all-to familiar tingling and shivers that went up his spine just by the thought of it.

oh god, when he heard the words 'yes' slip out of her mouth- he felt like he can die right then and there without any regrets.

how her eyes shone like sea glass, crystal clear yet mesmerizing at the same time that not even the notorious haitani brother can forget- loving the way on how it shines for him and only at him.

he's just that in love with her.

ran wasn't surprised when the sunlight peered through his curtains, the sounds of the usual foot traffic acted as his white noise to forget all about the things that his mind has been conjuring on its own and got up from the bed to start preparing.

rindou was already in the kitchen making the both of them breakfast- the youngest of the two having a fascination to cooking despite of him being a high ranking delinquent.

the smell of freshly cooked eggs and miso welcomed him as he trudged in the kitchen with half lidded eyes, taking a seat on the sofa couch while his brother cooked their meal.

the television was playing right in front of him, hearing the faint buzzing of the news channel as a tired groan left his lips that made the glasses wearing male to look at him oddly.

"you look like shit." he commented, causing the oldest of the two to flip him off with a glare from his position on the couch.

"shut the fuck up." ran let out another groan, regretting his past decisions on staying up late when he knew that he had somewhere to be the next morning.

𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐚𝐧 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now