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it's been almost a month since the two damned teenagers met in the most cliche way possible- one's that were only available inside a of a fanfiction.

and in that month that they've been together, out of the hundred and one items on her bucket
list- they managed to complete fifty.

either some were just too much or just things that neither eighteen year olds can even afford- settling for stuff that was plausible for them both.

if a month has already passed, then april was already here.

and if april is already here, then l/n y/n's surgery was just around the corner.

actually, it was tomorrow- causing the poor (h/c) haired girl to be anxious for the rest of the week yet had no strength in voicing out her concerns to her mother, especially haitani ran.

she didn't need to tell him that she's scared though, immediately catching on to what she was feeling the moment that she's less bubbly and happy as she normally was- i mean who would if they were in her shoes?

taking a surgery that has a fifty-fifty percent chance that it'll prolong your life was nerve wracking. and yes, i did say fifty-fifty, because apparently having ataxia means inevitable death.

now that doesn't mean that she'll die no- but the entire purpose of this surgery was to prevent her symptoms from spreading faster, wanting to avoid what happend to her father as early as possible to atleast reach the age of sixty.

haitani ran knew about this, knew about everything related to her illness since the male stayed up many nights trying to research on it- trying to understand what it meant and will she even survive this.

it's not like he didn't have faith in her no- but there are many things that could go wrong, and it's too long to list.

because of this, for the rest of the week leading up to friday, he did everything that he can to clear her mind.

he had taken her to a drive-in movie theater where they spent hours on end rewatching the same show because of how invested y/n was to the plot and wanted to understand it.

taken her out shopping where the two of them spent half of their day laughing because of this one kid who got scared shitless at the sight of the oldest haitani sibling and ran straight to the glass doors- it's safe to say that they got a lecture from the kid's mom.

the two of them went to shibuya to raid family marts because the one's in roppongi banned them from ever returning- not like that they could care less though.

and although he was freaking out on the inside, he knew that he didn't have the time to voice them out- especially if he had a girl to cheer up and get her mind off her surgery that's going to happen in less than a day.

today was friday, the afternoon sun shining down on the two teenagers as they walked out of the drugstore after buying a shitton of box hair colors to play with- debating whether or not to prank rindou with it.

ran couldn't take his gaze off of her face, etching the happy and carefree look that she had even though he was aware at how much of a nervous wreck she was underneath.

he had to applaud her for her good acting- almost fooling him into believing that she was actually okay and not close to a mental breakdown right then and there.

laughter rang through the streets as they each held onto the bags of box dye's, sitting on a bench for a quick break as y/n looked at him with that same smile on her face.

though the only one lacking to it was the genuine shine that they normally held.

"we should totally mix this in his conditioner." she said, taking out a pink hair dye from the bag that she was holding and waved it at his face.

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