fifteen - bros before hoes

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Saturday, November 12, 1983

“You think they found her?” Lucas asks as you walk through the forest, following his compass. You were purposefully dragging your feet to scrape the dead leaves on the ground, kicking the heap once you had amassed enough, to kill the heavy silence that had fallen after you started your search. Lucas was not in a good mood. But after five good minutes of you awkwardly struggling with your poor leaves, he had decided to talk.

“You mean Eleven? I don’t know.”

“I hope so, so they can help us find the gate. This is stupid,” Lucas shakes his head. “We don’t need her.”

You bite your lip, remembering how she had flown him into the hair the day before. You would have been lying if you had said those powers of hers couldn’t be helpful.

You had somehow managed to fit the axe in your backpack, the handle sticking out of it. You were very aware that this improvised weapon was far from ideal, but Lucas apparently wasn’t. Wasn’t really a surprise, though. Boy was about to jump into an unknown dimension and fight monsters with a simple slingshot.

“I’d say she could be quite helpful,” you try carefully.

“She’s a traitor.”

“You could see it that way. Or you could understand that she knows more than us about that world and doesn’t want us to die.”

“But then she could have told us it was dangerous!”

“Would you have given up if she did though?”

“...No. We gotta save Will.”

“Yeah… Listen, I get it. She made us lose time, and that was a mistake, but the girl’s terrified and clearly she doesn’t understand how things work in the real world. Of course, she didn’t have to harm you though. That was really stupid.”

“She didn’t do it on purpose,” he sighs, and you turn to him in surprise. He was so adamant to say she was bad. “I think. It’s just… Mike…”

“Aaah,” you let out. “Alright. You’re jealous.”

“I’m not!”

“Geez! Calm down, child, I wasn’t trying to shame you or anything! I would be jealous too.”


“Yeah! If some guy with powers popped up out of nowhere and Mona started trusting him like that, I’d be hella jealous! And doubtful too. Mona never trusts anyone, even me.”

“...I guess I’m jealous,” his shoulders drop as he mumbles those words. “But I’m scared too. We don’t know her, and she’s weird!”

“Oh, she’s more than weird. She had a number tattooed on her wrist, no hair and super powers. She’s stranger than all the strange things you can find in Hawkins put together. But you gotta understand, it’s love.”

He glares at you, disgusted. “Love?”

“You know it, I know it, Dustin knows it,” you roll your eyes. “Everyone in town fucking knows it except Mike himself. He likes Eleven.”

There is a slight silence, during which you listen to the crunching of the orange dead leaves under your soles. You loved fall and its warm colors.

“Yeah, well, he’s not good at hiding it,” Lucas resumes, and you smile.

“Sure isn’t. It’s as discreet as Steve trying to sneak out at night. He’s lucky our parents are barely home anymore.”

“Girls are shit,” he adds. You slap the back of his head.

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