seventeen - she wants to take a bath

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Saturday, November 12, 1983

"Will you stop pacing?" Mike snaps at Dustin, annoyed.

You had been anxiously waiting in the bus for a while, you sitting near the entrance, axe in hand just in case some government agent showed up. You weren't sure what you could do against armed men, but holding the weapon was quite reassuring for you.

Plus you had paid for it. Might as well admire it while you were waiting for the government to arrest you. You hoped it would end up being useful.

"It's been way too long," Dustin says. "Do you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe this is all a trap and the bad men are coming to get us right now!"

"It's not a trap! Why would the chief set us up?" Lucas argues. "Nancy, maybe, but the chief?"

Mike glares at him, but it goes unnoticed.

"Lando Calrissian," Dustin repeats for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes.

"I don't understand that reference," you whisper bitterly.

"Would you shut up about Lando?" Lucas yells, annoyed.

"Who's Lando," you mumble to yourself, staring at your precious axe.

"I don't feel good about this! I don't feel good about this!"

"No shit, Sherlock," you say, a bit louder. "See, everyone here got that reference."

They look at you in disbelief, not understanding anything you were saying. You don't have to explain, though, as the sound of cars parking outside the bus makes you all tense up.

You motion them to hide, hurrying to the front window of the bus. Of course, they don't listen and soon four heads are looking over your shoulder.

Two cars. You have the time to distinguish men in suits before digging down to hide behind the counter.

"Government men," you groan, tightening your grip around your axe as the others hide. Dustin mentions the Lando guy again, Lucas wonders whether they saw you and both Mike and you tell them to shut up.

You're the closest to the door, the kids all the way to the back. If they decide to search the bus, you're done for anyway. They'd soon find your bikes under the vehicle, it was hidden from helicopters but not on the ground people.

Did Hopper really betray you? Did Nancy? Maybe she was angry after Steve and Tommy's little gig at the cinema. Maybe when she heard you were with the boys, she decided to change her mind and call the government on you just because your brother was stupid.

Maybe it was something else.

The waiting is painfully long, so long you consider getting out now to fight them on your own. And then you'll die because they have guns and you only have an axe.

Finally, you hear the door open. You get ready to strike, or simply ridiculously threaten as you're not sure you want to kill anyone just yet.

But an impact sound, accompanied by grunts and what you could only guess was the noise of fighting made you frown and wonder what was going on outside. Clearly, someone was fighting them. You figured you should help.

You carefully glance outside to see one of the men in suits passed out on the ground, and another fighting what you identified as Jim Hopper, chief of the police. You dig back inside as you catch another opponent turning the corner of the bus and get ready to fight.

You don't give him the time to. The handle of the axe hits him right in the head, knocking him out. He falls to the floor and you look at him with wide eyes. It was the first time you ever knocked someone out. It was weirdly satisfying.

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