nineteen - why are they dumb?

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Saturday, November 12 - Sunday, November 13, 1983

"El," you say, luring the girl away from the kiddie pool Lucas, Dustin and you had put together -with great difficulty- in the middle of the gymnasium. Now, Jonathan and Hopper were pouring salt into the water and Dustin was trying to make an egg float to see whether there was enough. "Will you be okay?"

She nods, but does not seem too convinced. You tilt your head questioningly, making her take a sharp breath.

"Scared," she says in a shaky voice.

Your heart drops at her tone. You take her hand and squeeze it gently, and she squeezes back.

"I'll be holding your hand," you give her your best smile. "If that's okay. It won't ruin the whole bath thingy, right?"

She seems to think about it for a second, then shakes her head. She didn't really know, but she wanted you to hold her hand to be reminded she wasn't back at the lab.

"Nothing can happen to you in there, right?"



"You won't… leave?"

You hold her hand tighter, intertwining your fingers. "I'll never leave you as long as you want me to stay, hun."

She smiles faintly.

"Girls!" Joyce calls out to the both of you, and you walk up to her in front of the kiddie pool, still hand in hand. "It's ready. Here are your goggles, sweetie." She turns to Eleven, to whom she gives swimming goggles covered in tape. The girl had to stay in total darkness for the experience to work.

Eleven takes off her shoes, socks and the watch Mike had given to her while you turn on the walkie and set it in between two frequencies to create the now familiar static sound.

She looks at you with hopeful eyes, timidly extending her hand. You take it and hold it tightly, helping her in the kiddie pool and helping her lay in the water once she puts on her tapped goggles. You sit in between Hopper and Joyce, feeling her squeeze your hand from time to time. Everyone was gathered around the pool and the atmosphere was as tense as Mona when she needed to talk in front of the whole class. Finally, the lights flicker until the gymnasium is plunged into darkness. You can't help but shiver and grip tightly with your other hand. You had not let go of it one second ever since you got it back, and you didn't intend on doing so.

After a while of anxious waiting, Eleven finally speaks.


Nancy unconsciously leans closer over the edge of the pool, watching as Eleven starts breathing heavily. Her small fingers curl around yours, and you hold her firmly. Lights flicker back on, then off again, betraying a strong sensation from her.

"What's going on?" Nancy breathes out.

"I don't know," Mike shakes his head, frowning.

"Is Barb okay? Is she okay?"

"Gone," Eleven sobs quietly. "Gone. Gone. Gone."

You hear Nancy start crying, but eventually have to focus on El as she starts panicking. You hold her hand tighter, and Joyce grabs her other one as she repeats the same word louder and louder, until she ends up screaming.

"El, El, we're here," you tell her.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," Joyce tries to soothe her, in vain.

"Gone! Gone! GONE!"

"El!" You shout a bit louder, and she seems to snap back into consciousness, because she calms down slightly. "El, it's okay."

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