chapter 1: not what it seems

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''Please master forgive me!'' Starscream begged as he was thrown across the room. 

''That chance has long passed.'' Megatron said smirking evilly. 

''Please I beg of you!'' Starscream begged on his knees, Megatron hesitated for a moment. 

''Leave before I change my mind.'' He said with his back to Starscream, Starscream quickly left to room. Megatron took a deep breath, he had almost lost his way. Starscream watched from outside and saw how the warlord acted. 

''Strange.'' He mumbled to himself. 

''What's strange?'' Knockout asked curious as he happened to walk past him. 

''Megatron's behavior, it's almost like he's hiding something.'' Starscream explains to the red medic. 

''Don't question it too much Screamer, he's a warlord after all. Does he need to tell everything?'' Knockout advices, Starscream just nodds and walks away deep in thought. Meanwhile Megatron was pacing around, it was starting to annoy Soundwave. So Soundwave turned around and stared at Megatron. 

''What?'' Megatron asks the silent mech, Soundwave just continues staring. 

''Fine, I'll stop pacing.'' Megatron said, only then Soundwave turned around again and continued his work.

With Shockwave and Predaking

''So you can transform, breath fire, track Autobots and posses a homing instinct. What else?'' Shockwave asked the Predacon. 

''Nothing that I am aware of, other than my size and strenght of course.'' Predaking answered the scientist. 

''If you discover anything let me know.'' Shockwave said as he went back to his work, Predaking nodded and left to go for a fly. 

With Knockout 

''Thanks doc!'' The Vehicon said happily as he left, Knockout just shook his head. 

''Almost died and is still in a good mood.'' He mumbled. 

''Something wrong Knockout?'' Predaking asked as he came walking in. 

''I just miss Breakdown, that's all.'' Knockout said as he continued working. 

''Do you need anything?'' He asked looking up at the Predacon. 

''No, I was just checking if everything was alright.'' Predaking said as he wanted to walk away but stopped. 

''If you ever need anything you can ask me for help.'' He said to the red medic as he walked away. 

With the Autobots

''Is there anything new Ratchet?'' Optimus asks as he walked in the room. 

''Nothing yet, the Cons are awfully silent lately.'' Ratchet said sighing as he checked to see if anything had changed, Optimus nodded and wanted to walk away but Ratchet stopped him. 

''Just look at these readings, it's dark Energon.'' The medic said suprised, causing the Prime to turn around. 

''What?'' He asked suprised. 

''Dark Energon readings.'' Ratchet reported pointing at the screen. 

''Optimus Prime sir, not all Autobots are here.'' Ultra Magnus said knowing what their leader was thinking. 

''Where are they?'' Optimus asked the commander. 

''Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead are getting the kids. And Smokescreen and Wheeljack are on patrol.'' Ultra Magnus answered, Optimus frowned. Just him and Magnus was not enough if the Decepticons came. 

''Call Smokescreen and Wheeljack back, when they arrive send them after us immediately.'' He ordered Ratchet as he and Ultra Magnus went through the groundbridge to investigate the source of the readings. 

With Megatron and Soundwave

Soundwave tapped his lord on the shoulder as he showed the dark Energon readings. 

''Send Starscream as by back-up.'' Megatron said as he walked through the groundbridge Soundwave opened for him. 

With Optimus and Magnus

''Look there.'' Ultra Magnus said as he pointed at Megatron walking through the groundbridge. 

''You made a mistake by coming here Autobots.'' Megatron snarled as his red eyes turned purple and he attacked Optimus and Magnus. 

''Retreat!'' Optimus shouted as he got knocked back by Megatron, meanwhile Starscream arrived. Only to see a furious Megatron with purple eyes beating up Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime, then a groundbridge opened and the Autobots quickly retreated. 

''Is everything alright my lord?'' He asks as he walks up to Megatron. 

''Yes.'' Megatron  says with his eyes closed, after a few seconds he opens them and they are red again. 

''What was that sir?'' he asks him curious. 

''Nothing you need to know Starscream, but do me a favor and don't tell anyone what happened here. Not even Soundwave can know this.'' He said as he transformed and flew away, Starscream nodded and walked through the groundbridge Soundwave opened. What was so important that not even Soundwave could know of it? He wondered as he went back to work. 

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