chapter 3: an Autobot down

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Bumblebee was racing across the dessert when he found an Energon mine. 

:;Ratchet! I found an Energon mine!;: He said excited over the comm-link. 

''Understood Bumblebee, I will send the rest as back-up.'' Ratchet answered, meanwhile Bumblebee entered the mine. Unfortunalty for him, Megatron came flying down and transformed. 

''Hello there scout, remember me?'' He asked smirking evily. 

:;Give up Megatron, we will defeat you!;: The scout said pointing his blasters at the warlord. 

''I don't think so.'' The leader of the Decepticons said as he shot the scout in the chest, he couldn't miss. Not when he was so close, his shot hit the scout in the chest. He smirked evily as he transformed and headed back the the Nemesis. By the time the Autobots arrived the mine was empty and Bumblebee was dying. 

''Bee!'' Arcee shouted the moment she saw him. 

''Ratchet groundbridge now!'' Bulkhead shouted over the comm-link as Optimus carried the scout through the groundbridge. 

''Hang on Bee.'' Smokescreen mumbled as Ratchet started working on the scout. 

''Don't worry Raf, he will be alright.'' Miko said trying to comfort the crying boy, they saw Ratchet speaking to Optimus with a sad look on his face. 

''What's wrong?'' Jack asks the medic concerened. 

''We were too late, Bumlebee has died.'' Ratchet says with a sad look on his face, Miko and Raf were crying and Jack just stared in disbelieve.

''What?'' Arcee asks in shock. 

''You've got to be lying.'' She said not believing it. 

''I'm sorry Arcee.'' Ratchet said as he went to his room. 

With Megatron

''You should have seen it, it was amazing. I'm sure the scout is dead now.'' Megatron says smirking to Soundwave, Soundwave just nodded as he continued working. 

''I will be gone for a while, you are in command as Starscream is coming with me.'' Megatron says as he goes to where Starscream is working. 

''Do you need anything my lord?'' Starscream asks as he sees the warlord. 

''You are coming with me.'' The leader says as they head to the roof and transform and fly away. 

''Where are we going?'' The S.I.C. asks curious. 

''To my master.'' Megatron answers as they land on a volcano. 

''Then why am I here?'' Starscream asks nervous. 

''Because you know about him, if I don't bring you with me he'll kill me or worse.'' Megatron explained.  

''What do you want now Megatron?'' A dark voice asked sounding tired. 

''The Autobot scout, his name is Bumblebee I killed him.'' Megatron says. 

''I sensed it, his spark is mine now.'' Unicron said. 

''My second in command knows about you.'' Megatron added softly. 

''Can he be trusted with the secret?'' Unicron asked, what Megatron said next suprised Starscream. 

''Yes, I trust him.'' Megatron said, in his optics were no lies seen. 

"Very well then." Unicron says. 

''Also I have a new mission for you.'' Unicron added. 

''And what might that be?'' Megatron asked curious. 

''Destroy the matrix of leadership, I don't care what you do with the Prime.'' Unicron said as he disapeared. 

''Let's go back.'' Megatron said to Starscream, the Seeker nodded as they transformed and headed back. 

''Lord Megatron, do you really trust me?'' Starscream asked after a while. 

''I don't see why not, even though you betrayed me you have proven to be valuable and I don't think that you will share this secret.'' Megatron said. 

''Thank you sir.'' Starscream said. 

''I'm going on patrol.'' He added as he headed in another direction. 

With team Prime

''I picked up Starscream's signal.'' Ratchet reported. 

''Understood, our intention is to capture Starscream. Autobots roll out!'' Optimus ordered as Ratchet opened a groundbridge and they went through it, once they went through they saw Starscream sitting on the ground looking at the sunset. 

''Starscream surrender or we will kill you.'' Optimus said as he and the rest aimed their weapons at the seeker. 

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