chapter 5: fighting friends

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''What are they doing here?'' Knockout asks suprised as he pointed at Optimus Prime and Ratchet walking around freely. 

''They are my guests, try to harm them and you will be punished.'' Megatron announced, then he went to his room where Ratchet and Optimus were waiting. 

''So what now?'' Optimus asked. 

''You tell me.'' Megatron said sighing as he sat down on his berth. 

''How about you explain everything to us, you said that you were raised to be his servant.'' Ratchet proposed. 

''My sire is the general of Unicron, it was only normal that I would follow him as a servant.'' Megatron explained. 

''Maybe you should start with ending the war.'' Optimus proposed. 

''That would be helpfull.'' Megatron says. 

''I will have Soundwave get you back in your base, then we can discuss details of the ending of the war.'' Megatron said as he walked away. 

''Optimus, I am saying this a medic. Megatron has never been a child because of his sire, if we are going to do this you have to expect the possiblity that he will be hesitant to share any personal information.'' Ratchet said softly to the Prime. 

''I know old friend, but I am willing to do anything for my best friend.'' Optimus said softly. 

With Megatron and Soundwave 

''I need you to send Optimus and Ratchet back so we can start negotiating peace.'' Megatron said to the silent mech, Soundwave nodded and walked to Megatron's room. 

''My lord can I ask something.'' Knockout asked the leader. 

''What is it Knockout.'' Megatron asked. 

''Can I go with them?'' Knockout asked looking at the floor. 

''Why do you ask that?'' Megatron asked suprised. 

''Because I really need to talk to Arcee about Airachind and Tailgate and Breakdown.'' Knockout said softly. 

''I understand, go ahead Knockout. You have to be quick though, they can leave any moment now.'' Megatron said smiling a bit as the red medic ran away to be on time.  

With team Prime

''You are lucky that we heard you screaming.'' Ratchet said as he, Optimus and Knockout come through the groundbridge. 

''Í had to ask for permission first, and I got a bit lost.'' He said laughing a bit. 

''What is he doing here?'' Arcee asks while pointing her weapons at him. 

''I'm here to talk with you about Airachnid.'' Knockout said. 

''What do you mean?'' Arcee asked as she lowered her weapons. 

''She killed your partner Tailgate and she killed my-'' Knockout stopped talking, he just couldn't say it. 

''Breakdown was your sparkmate wasn't he.'' Ratchet said softly, when Knockout looks at him suprised he explains. 

''I've seen it before, and it would explain a lot.'' 

''The only reason she's still alive is because I don't know her location.'' Arcee said irritated. 

''She's in the vault of the Nemesis.'' Knockout revealed. 

''Then why haven't you killed her yet?'' Arcee asks suprised. 

''Because Megatron stopped me, he said that revenge would not help me.'' Knockout said smiling at the irony. 

''Funny that he says that, as his entire life seems to be about revenge.'' Knockout added. 

''We can lock her up forever, but we can't kill her.'' Arcee says softly. 

''Why not?'' Knockout asks suprised. 

''Because Megatron is right, revenge will not bring back those we have lost.'' The femme said, Knockout nodded. 

''I need to go back, Shockwave probably has some projects for me to do.'' The medic said, Ratchet opened a groundbridge back to the ship and Knockout went through it.

''Optimus we need to talk.'' Ratchet said and the Autobot leader already knew what he wanted to talk about. 

''It's weird that Megatron knows what the right thing is and yet he doesn't do it.'' Ratchet said when they were alone. 

''What are you talking about old friend?'' Optimus asked. 

''Normally when bots have grown up in situations like Megatron's they have no idea what right is and what wrong is.'' The medic explained. 

''What about his carrier?'' Optimus asked suddenly. 

''You're right, I've never seen his carrier or heard him talk about her.'' Ratchet said deep in thought, then they got a call from the Decepticons. 

''What do you want?'' Arcee asked as she answered the call. 

''To have peace.'' Megatron answered, then something happened. Bumblebee's signal popped up again. 

''Impossible.'' Ratchet said as Megatron quickly disconnected the call before anyone could say anything. 

''Autobots, roll out!'' Optimus ordered as they went to they location of the signal. 

Meanwhile with Megatron

''Soundwave open a groundbridge to that location, it's probably a trap.'' Megatron ordered the silent mech, Soundwave nodded and opened a groundbridge. 

With Bumblebee

Bumblebee was waiting, he knew that as soon as they picked up his signal they would come and he would destroy them. 

''Bee! You alright?'' Smokescreen asked him. 

:;I will be if the matrix is destroyed.;: Bumblebee said as he started shooting at Optimus, next moment he was thrown into the wall by Megatron. 

''It's over, you can't win this.'' Megatron said as he aimed his cannon at the scout, Bumblebee's optics glowed purple. 

:;With Unicron's help I can do anything!;: He shouted as he started punching Megatron, at least he tried to. Megatron kept stepping away last moment, after a while Megatron had grown tired and he just punched Bumblebee knockout. 

''You could have done that the entire time?'' Bulkhead asks a bit suprised. 

''Of course, but I was bored so I decided to toy with him a bit.'' Megatron said smirking. 

''To cure him you need to get the dark Energon out of his systems, then he should be free of Unicron's control.'' Megatron said as he transformed and flew away. 

''Let's get him back.'' Wheeljack said as Bulkhead carried the yellow bot. 

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