chapter 7: fight for your life

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''It was about time you showed up.'' Galvatron said smirking as he Megatron transformed and landed. 

''We don't have to fight sire, we can still change things.'' Megatron said, in his voice you could hear the sadness. 

''Join me or die.'' Galvatron said with no emotion in his voice. 

''I can't join you.'' Megatron said softly. 

''Then you will die.'' His father said, he pulled his sword. Megatron did the same thing. 

''Wait!'' A voice shouted, it was Optimus. 

''Spare him and I will give you the matrix.'' Optimus said to Galvatron. 

''He won't spare me Optimus, it's useless. Besides do you have so little faith in me?'' Megatron asked smiling at his best friend. 

''Get ready to die.'' Galvatron said ignoring the Autobot leader, then Megatron charged and the battle began. Both mechs were fighting with the power of dark Energon, it was suprising but their strenght wat equal. 

''What's happening?'' Starscream asked as he transformed and landed next to Optimus and his team, soon all Decepticons were leaving the Nemesis and were all watching. 

''They're fighting for their lives.'' Ratchet mumbled. 

''Just give up!'' Galvatron shouted angry as he blocked another attack from Megatron. 

''You are the one that tought me to never give up!'' Megatron replied as he evaded an attack and swung his sword at his father's head, his father blocked the attack and punched his son in the face. Megatron got flung back by the power. 

''So you do remember what I tought you.'' He said as he aproached him and put his sword on his son's throath. 

''Any last words?'' He asked. 

''Forgive me sire.'' Megatron mumbled as he stabbed his father in the spark. 

''How?'' Galvatron asked as Megatron got up and supported his dying father. 

''You tought me that to win, sometimes you have to lose.'' Megatron said softly as his fathers crew landed around them. 

''You know what this means.'' Galvatron mumbled, Megatron nodded. 

''I am proud of you my son.'' Galvatron said, then he died. 

''I'm sorry.'' Optimus said as he put his hand on Megatron's shoulder, then Megatron began to cry. Even though he never liked his father, it was still his father and he cared about him. 

''What are your orders general?'' Cyclonus asked as he and the rest of his father's crew bowed. 

''General?'' Optimus asks suprised. 

''The one that kills the current general takes his place.'' Scourge explained. 

''We are going.'' Megatron said as he stood up and walked to the ship in which they had come. 

''What about Unicron's orders?'' Cyclonus asked suprised. 

''To hell with his orders, the matrix is something we can never destroy. We don't have to power to.'' Megatron said, his purple optics glowing. 

''Yes sir.'' They said as they went aboard the ship. 

''Take care of the Decepticons for me.'' Megatron said winking at Starscream. 

''Yes my lord.'' Starscream said as he saluted his lord and master, the rest of the army followed suit and saltuted to their leader. Megatron couldn't help but smile at them, then he also went aboard the ship and they left. 

''It's over.'' Wheeljack said softly, he couldn't believe it. 

''Yes it is, Decepticons return to the ship!'' Starscream ordered, soon only the Autobots were left. 

''What now?'' Ultra Magnus asked his leader. 

''We go back to base.'' Optimus said as Raf opened a groundbridge for them, when they all went through the children and adults were waiting for them. 

''How did it go?'' Miko asked curious. 

''Galvatron is dead and Unicron's servants are leaving Earth.'' Smokescreen says softly. 

''That's good.'' Fowler said smiling. 

''Why do you seem sad Optimus?'' Jack's mom asked the Prime. 

''Because in order to save this planet, and me. Megatron had to go with Unicron's servant as their leader.'' Optimus answered softly. 

''he sacrificed himself for us.'' Ratchet added softly. 

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