chapter 10: the fight

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Within moments all of them were fighting. 

''Why did you betray us?'' Tarn asked Megatron angry while dogging Megatron's sword. 

''Peace is always better than war, if sacrificing myself means having peace I will always do it.'' Megatron answered while dogging Tarn's sword and swinging his own at Tarn's head, Tarn was barely able to dodge it and got hit in his shoulder. 

''Surrender or die.'' Megatron said, after looking around he saw that the rest of the djd were also on their knees and all looking at what Tarn would do. 

''Fine.'' Tarn said dropping his weapons, his men followed his lead and threw away their weapons. 

''I see that you took care of everything already.'' Optimus says with his team behind him, they had just arrived through a groundbridge. 

''Yes, and I can assure you that this will be an unpleasant sight.'' Megatron said as he readiead his sword. 

''What are you doing we surrendered.'' Tarn says starting to panick. 

''Remember what I told you, we were ordered to kill you.'' Megatron whispers in his ear. 

''Shoot them in the spark.'' He ordered his team and put away his sword while aiming his gun at Tarn's spark. 

''3, 2, 1. Fire.'' He ordered, then all of the djd were killed at the same time. 

''Why did you do that? They surrendered!'' Wheeljack says to him protesting. 

''I have my orders.'' Megatron said while walking back to his ship. 

''Megatron wait!'' Optimus said running after him. 

''What is it Optimus?'' Megatron asked sighing, his team had already entered the ship. 

''I'm sorry for what happened.'' Optimus said softly. 

''Like I said, I made my own choice.'' Megatron said smiling sadly while entering his ship. 

''Wait!'' Starscream shouted, Megatron turned around and looked at the seeker. 

''Don't go, I can't be the leader the Decepticons need.'' Starscream says softly. 

''Starscream-'' Megatron began but Starscream cut him of. 

''I don't want to hear it, they need you as their leader.'' He said confident. 

"I will have to discuss this with Unicron, but I will think about it." Megatron says after a while, he then gets aboard the ship as it leaves.

''Sir, Unicron summons us.'' Cyclonus reports to him. 

''Let's go to the volcano then.'' Megatron says softly. 

''Sir, are you going to ask him about what Starscream said?'' Scourge asked him curious. 

''It depends on his mood.'' Megatron says sighing. 

''So if he's angry you won't ask?'' Cyclonus said trying to hold back his laughter. 

''I'm already on his bad side, I have no desire to get tortured or something.'' Megatron said serious. 

''Yeah, I guess you're right.'' Cyclonus says sighing. 

''We're here sir.'' One of the Sweeps says. 

''Cyclonus, Scourge with me.'' Megatron says exiting the ship after it landed. 

''You have actually completed a mission, well done.'' Unicron says appearing in front of them, they bow in respect. 

''My lord I have a question.'' Megatron says deciding to take the gamble. 

''You want to lead my army and the Decepticons.'' Unicron says thinking. 

"Yes." Megatron said looking at the ground waiting for an answer.

"Very well, now go before I change ny mind." Unicron says disapearing.

"Let's go to the Nemesis." Megatron says sighing in relief.

"Yes sir." One of the sweeps says.

"Scourge contact the Nemesis." Megatron orders when they enter the ship.

"Yes sir." He says, he then calls the Nemesis.

"Who is this?" A voice asks, it's Knockout.

"This is Scourge calling, Megatron needs to speak with Starscream." Scourge answers.

"Please hold, I'll go get him." Knockout says walking away.

"Did he just put us on hold?" Cyclonus asks when an on hold music plays.

"I think so." Scourge says.

"What is this terrible music?" Cyclonus asks.

"Torture, if an Autobot called us they would go on hold and listen to that for hours." Megatron explains.

"Good choice." Scourge says, then Knockout returns with Starscream.

"Our apologies for the music." Starscream says smirking.

''We can call back later if you want.'' Megatron says, he knows how eager Starscream is to know what he's calling for. 

''No! Please! Don't hang up! I need to know!'' Starscream says living up to his name. 

''Unicron has agreed, I can return as leader of the Decepticons if you want.'' Megatron says smiling. 

''Yes! Send them our coördinates doctor.'' Starscream says to Knockout. 

''On it.'' Knockout says sending them the location of the Nemesis. 

''We'll see you later then.'' Megatron says disconecting the call. 

 ''We'll be there in 15 minutes.'' Scourge said. 

''Right on time.'' Megatron said softly. 

"On time for what?" Cyclonus asked confused.

"The Decepticon news, it happens once a year to update all Decepticons on what happened." Megatron explains.

"That's a good plan." Scourge said impressed.

"It was our best plan." Megatron replies.

"Then you got some pretty shitty plans." A sweep jokes, Megatron doesn't even look at him and shoots him.

"Anyone else who thinks I have 'shitty' plans?" He asks looking around, they all quickly shake their helms.

"I thought so already." He says satisfied.

"We've arrived." Scourge says landing their ship on the roof of the Nemesis.

"Follow me." Megatron says exiting the ship, the sweeps Scourge and Cyclonus right behind him.

"Lord Megatron, it is good to have you back." A Vehicon named ST3V3 says.

"Nice to see you too Steve." Megatron says.

"How did you know his name? They all look alike." Cyclonus says impressed.

"Only ST3V3 aka Steve greets me." Megatron explains.

''Why is he the only one that greets you?'' Scourge asks a bit confused. 

''The others are either too scared to greet me or simply don't want to.'' Megatron explains sighing. 

''Here we are.'' He says when they finally arrived at the bridge. 

''Lord Megatron, it is always good to see you. especially now.'' Starscream says greeting the warlord. 

''How are the negotiations for the truce going?'' Megatron asks getting straight to the point. 

''Funny story actually, we didn't have time yet. But we did send a messega to all Autobots and Decepticons saying that the fighting is over.'' Starscream explains. 

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