chapter 9: revenge

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''Finally we have peace, now to find a way to rebuilt our planet.'' Starscream mumbled to Shockwave. 

''I think that with the help of Optimus we might be able to do it.'' Shockwave said as he walked to the computer to show the Iacon database on the screen. 

''As a former clerck in the hall of records, Optimus should be able to decode it. I can't imagine that the stuff hidden away on this planet won't be of use.'' Shockwave explained. 

''I'll talk to him about it.'' Starscream said, Shockwave nodded and walked away. Then the alarm went.

"There is another ship coming." One of the Vehicons reported.

"Autobot or Decepticon?" Starscream asked.

"Decepticon, it's the peaceful tyranny." The Vehicon said scared, everyone knew that the peaceful tyranny was the ship of the Decepticon Justice Division.

"Contact them." Starscream ordered, the Vehicon nodded and contacted the ship.

"Hello commander Starscream." The bot that picked up said, it was Tarn. The feared leader of the djd.

"Why are you here Tarn?" Starscream asked.

"To avenge our fallen lord and master by killing you." Tarn said, even though Starscream couldn't see his faceplate he could just feel him smirking.

"Now listen carefully." Tarn said, Starscream quickly disconnected the call. He knew that Tarn could kill with his voice and had nk desire to find out how it worked.

"Optimus are you there?" He asked panicking as he called Optimus.

"What's wrong Starscream?" Optimus asked concerned as he answered the call.

"Tarn has come to kill us, don't listen to what he says. He can kill with his voice." Starscream said panicking.

"Understood, don't worry. We will be cautious." Optimus said as he disconnected the call.

With Megatron
"Sir, lord Unicron is summoning you." Scourge said to Megatron, Megatron nodded and headed to the room where Unicron was waiting for him.

"I have heard that Tarn and his team are on Earth, I don't like it so I want you to kill them." Unicron said his optics glowing dangerously.

"Understood, we will head there immediately." Megatron said as he bowed and left the room.

"What did he want?" Cyclonus asked curious.

"We are going to Earth to kill the djd." Megatron ordered, they nodded and steered the ship back to the planet they had just come from.

"What is the djd like?" Cyclonus asked him.

"Ruthless killing machines, be careful if you encounter Tarn. He can kill with his voice." Megatron warned them.

With Starscream
"Another ship is approaching lord Starscream." One of the Vehicons reported.

"Call them." Starscream ordered.

"Hello Starscream, it has been a while." Megatron said smirking as he answered the call.

"Megatron?! What are you doing here?" The seeker asks confused.

"Unicron ordered us to kill the djd, so that's why we're here." Megatron answered.

"I understand, they are at the volcano." Starscream said, Megatron nodded and disconnected the call.

With Tarn
Tarn saw a ship landing.

"Get ready to kill whoever is inside." He said smirking to his team.

"Long time since we last saw eachother Tarn." Megatron said making Tarn freeze in the process.

"Megatron? I thought that you were dead." Tarn said softly.

"I told Starscream to tell everyone that because I now serve Unicron." Megatron answered his optics glowing purple.

"We shall leave my lord, please forgive us." Tarn said bowing.

"I don't think so Tarn, I was ordered to kill all of you so I will." Megatron said.

"All on your own?" Kaon asked arrogantly.

"Actually." Megatron said as Scourge and Cyclonus exited the ship followed by three terrorcons.

"Attack!" Tarn shouted as he and the rest of the djd attacked Megatron and his team.

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