14: family problems

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''Me?! Corrupt him?! It was you who left him alone!'' Galvatron shouted. 

''Well at least I didn't give him dark Energon!'' She shouted. 

''At least I was there when he needed me!'' He shouted back. 

''Enough!'' Megatron shouted, they looked at him suprised. 

''You both could have done better but at least father was there, I never saw you mother.'' Megatron said, they both stayed silent. 

''Optimus come with me please, we have to discuss something.'' He said when he saw the Prime standing near a wall, Optimus nodded and folowed him to another room. 

''What are they going to talk abo-'' Smokescreen asked confused, he hadn't even finished his sentence when Optimus was thrown through the door. 

''I guess nothing.'' Arcee said readying her blades. 

''Megatron what are you doing?!'' Knockout asked suprised. 

''Following orders.'' Megatron replied walking through what was left of the door and punching Optimus in the face. 

''That's our call.'' Scourge said smirking, he and Cyclonus then started attacking the Autobots who were starting to shoot at Megatron. Galvatron smirked and started to attack Solarwing. 

''What are we gonna do?'' Knockout asked staring at the battle, Soundwave just shrugged. 

''We can't do anything.'' Starscream said sighing. 

''Interfering would only end up in our deaths.'' Shockwave said returning to his work. 

''I guess but still... It just feels wrong...'' Knockout said sighing. 

''You've grown weak Optimus.'' Megatron said aiming his cannon for the Prime's head. 

''Even if you kill me others will rise to defeat you.'' Optimus said breathing heavily. 

''I doubt that, by now Unicron's army has spread across the universe and they are attacking Autobot with the help of Decepticons. You don't stand a chance.'' Megatron said charching his cannon. 

''No!'' Ratchet shouted as he saw how close Optimus was to dying. 

''Megatron please, don't do it.'' Ratchet begged. 

''I have my orders medic, the Prime and the disciple of Primus are to die.'' Megatron said, in his optics there was no emotion seen. 

''Please Megatron, for the sake of our friendship.'' Ratchet begged again. 

''Like I said, I have my orders.'' Megatron said, then he pulled the trigger. 

''No!'' He heard multiple voices scream as the entire room became covered in smoke, when the smoke cleared there was a lifeless body on the ground. However the body wasn't Optimus', it was Ratchet's. 

''Ratchet!'' Wheeljack screamed heartbroken. 

''What a waste of energy.'' Megatron said as he pulled out his sword. 

 ''You will pay!'' Optimus shouts as he pulls his sword and stabbs Megatron in the leg. 

''Go ahead Optimus, take revenge and end me. You will always regret it and you know I'm right.'' Megatron says smirking. 

''I am willing to take the risk.'' Optimus says staring Megatron in the optics, at that moment Megatron knew Optimus would take his life. Next things happened very quickly, just as Optimus was about to bring down his sword Galvatron stepped in between. While everyone was distracted he had come close and had prepared to intervene if necesarry. He blocked Optimus' sword with his own as Megatron quickly stood up and stabbed Optimus in the spark. 

''You deserve to die Optimus, you don't deserve to life with the guilt you would have felt if you had killed me.'' Megatron says as everyone takes a step back in shock. 

''You will never have peace Megatron, you will always be haunted by our memory.'' Optimus said with his dying breath, then his eyes lost their glow and he fell. 

''Kill them all, Decepticons follow me.'' Megatron said as the heralds of Unicron started slaughtering the Autobots and Solarwing. The Decepticons nodded and silently followed him. 

''We will now destroy the universe and remake it in Unicron's image.'' Megatron said as he injected the Decepticons with dark Energon causing their optics to become purple. 

three million years later 

''Megatron, lord Unicron summons us. It is time.'' Scourge says as he put his servo on Megatron's shoulder, three million years had passed and every living being had died. Now only Megatron, Scourge and Cyclonus remained as well as Unicron. 

''Understood, go ahead without me. I will be there soon.'' Megatron said sighing as he stood up, Scourge nodded and ran ahead. When Megatron arrived he saw only Unicron, the space around them had disapeared and only they were left in the middle of emptyness. 

''It is time? You are going to rebuild this universe in your image without us.'' Megatron said looking at Unicron. There was no need for formalities anymore, it was just the two of them after all. 

''Yes and no, I am planning to rebuild the universe in my vision but I am not going to do it alone.'' Unicron says. 

''What do you mean?'' Megatron asks confused. 

''I am granting you the powers of a god, so that you can help me in rebuilding the universe in my image.'' Unicron said, then a bright light appeared and Megatron was covered in it. When it disapeared he was at Unicron's height. 

''I will create the universe and you will rule over the people, together we will make the perfect world without violence and cruelty.'' Unicron says putting a servo on Megatron's shoulder, Megatron nodds. 

One million years later 

Megatron was sitting on the throne of the bigest palace in the world, he had take his normal height and not the height Unicron gave him since he already towered over the being of the world in his normal height. 

''Lord Megatron, lord Unicron is aproaching. He wishes to speak with you.'' A young being said, he was like a cybertronian but of human size. 

''Thank you Orion, continue your work.'' Megatron said as he stood up transformed and headed to Unicron. 

''Master, everything is going fine here. I assume you are done with making the universe? What's our next move.'' Megatron asks smirking as he lands on Unicron's shoulder. 

''We wait, one day someone will rise and try to apose us. I look forward to it.'' Unicron says smirking as well as he watched the people go on in their daily lives. 

''So do I.'' Megatron says smirking even more. 

the end

I can't believe this book is finally finished, I planned to finish it for two months now but I'm glad it's finally finished. If you want a sequel to this book just let me know and if three people ask for a sequel I will try to write one. I hope you all enjoyed reading this book and let me know what you thought of it. 

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