chapter 2: discovering the truth

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''I'm telling you Ratchet, that was no normal. It was like he was possesed.'' Optimus said softly to Ratchet in a concerned tone. 

''Are you sure Optimus?'' Ratchet asked concerned as well. 

''I am sure, it was like it was not him but someone else.'' Optimus tried to explain. 

''Next time you meet him, be cautious.'' Rachet adviced. 

With Megatron

''That was close, I hope they didn't notice it.'' Megatron mumbled, for eons he had hidden the truth about himself. He didn't want it to come to the light now of all times. 

''Lord Megatron!'' Starscream shouted as he had to run to keep up with the warlord. 

''What was that?'' The seeker asked his master. 

''Like I said, nothing of your concern.'' Megatron said angry. 

''My lord, I know you don't trust me. But I beg, if there is anything wrong please let me help.'' Starscream beggs, Megatron nodds and continues walking. 

''Fine, meet me in my room around twelve.'' He said without facing Starscream, Starscream sighed relieved and continued his work. 

With the Autobots

''So what happened? Did you kill Megatron?'' Miko asks Optimus excited. 

''No, Megatron was different. He fought like an entirely different person.'' Optimus said deep in thought. 

''I'm sure that you'll beat him next time.'' Jack says encouraging. 

''Thank you Jack.'' Optimus says with a small smile. 

''I am not sure that we can defeat him, even with all of us. If we had stayed he would have slaughtered us.'' Ultra Magnus says deep in thought. 

''Are we talking about the same Megatron?'' Wheeljack asks suprised. 

''Yes, we are.'' Optimus says also thinking. 

With Starscream and Knockout

''So Screamer, what happened on your mission?'' Knockout asks curious. 

''Nothing important Knockout.'' Starscream says grumpy remembering his masters words. 

''Right.'' Knockout says not believing it. 

''Carefull Knockout, one day your curiousity might kill you.'' Starscream warns the medic before heading to his room, after some time it was finally time to go to Megatron's room. 

''I wonder what he'll tell me.'' Starscream mumbles as he knocks on the door, Megatron opened the door and let the seeker inside. 

''Sit down Starscream.'' megatron orderd as he pointed at a chair, Starscream nodded and sat on the chair. 

''Last chance Starscream, do you really want to know it?'' Megatron asks the seeker, Starscream noticed that Megatron was different. 

''Of course Megatron.'' He said deciding to not call him by his title, Megatron ignored it and sat down on his berth. 

''A long time ago before I had even fought a single battle I had a conversation with Unicron, you see my sire's name was Galvatron and he was a servant of Unicron. Unicron promised me power in exchange for my eternal services, being the young arogant fool that I was I agreed. He made sure I had the power and experience to fight in the gladiator arena's, and now eons later I serve him.'' Megatron explained deciding to tell the short story. 

''So you are a servant of Unicron?!'' Starscream asked suprised, that was not what he expected. 

''Yes I am, everything I do is in his name.'' Megatron answered. 

''That would actually explain a lot.'' Starscream said as he started thinking. 

''Do you regret it?'' He suddenly asked Megatron after a couple of minutes of silence. 

''What?'' Megatron asked not expecting the question. 

''Do you regret serving Unicron?'' The seeker repeated the question. 

''To be honest, sometimes I do. But most of the times not.'' Megatron answered while laying down on his berth. 

''I understand, I will not tell anyone.'' Starscream promised as he left Megatron alone. 

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