chapter 12: betrayal

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''How could you...'' She said taking more steps back. 

''I had no choice.'' Megatron snarled at her. 

''It's not like you ever were there when I needed you.'' He added softly. 

''I had other things to do.'' Solarwing defended herself. 

''More important things than raising your own son?'' He asked evern softer than before. 

''Primus before everything.'' She said softly as well. 

''That's what makes father different from you, at least he made time for me. Even if it meant getting punished, he was always there when I needed him.'' Megatron said harshly. 

''What is your command master.'' Megatron asked turning to Unicron. 

''Corrupt her.'' Unicron simply said. 

''As you command.'' Megatron said chuckling darkly. 

''Don't.'' She said stumbling back. 

''I'm a servent of Unicron, his wish is my command.'' Megatron said grabbing her by the wrist. His left servo which wasn't holding her wrist started pulsing with dark Energon. 

''Please don't.'' She begged him. 

''Too late.'' He said touching her chest, the dark Energon left his servo and entered her sparkchamber. 

''Have fun with being connected to Unicron disciple of Primus.'' He said evily, he then transformed and headed back to the Nemesis. Leaving his crying mother behind. 

On the Nemesis

''Now we can finally sign the truce.'' Megatron said as he arrived. 

''What did Unicron call you for?'' Arcee asks not trusting him. 

''He thought he felt something so I was send to check it out, luckily it was nothing.'' Megatron lied. 

''Let's just sign the truce.'' Optimus said before she could say anything else. 

''It's already in the meeting room.'' Shockwave said before anyone could ask anything, Optimus and Megatron just nodded as they walked inside and closed the doors. Optimus signed the truce first and Megatron followed after that. 

''Finally, we have the truce.'' Optimus says sighing. 

''Sir! There's some unknown female on the roof. I can sense dark Energon in her.'' Scourge said running inside. 

''Keep your distance, I will take care of it.'' Megatron said walking to the roof, he knew exactly who it was. 

''Where is Megatron?!'' He heard his mother roar. 

''I am here.'' Megatron said smirking, his mother looked at him with blazing purple eyes. The Vehicons quickly ran back inside. 

''You did this to me!'' She shouted angry. 

''You did this to yourself.'' Megatron said smirking even more. 

''You poisened me with dark Energon!'' She shouted, Megatron saw the dark Eneron driving her insane. 

''You wonder why.'' He said chuckling evily. 

''How can you and your father handle this?'' She said falling on her knees. 

''Years and years of training.'' Megatron said walking closer. 

''Help me.'' She begged. 

''You deserve this.'' Megatron whispered in her ear, he then stood up and started walking back inside. 

''How dare you do this to your own mother!'' She shouted angry making him stop in his tracks. 

''You abandoned me first, so it is only right that I return the favor.'' He said angry. 

''Megatron stop! If she really is your mother you should help her.'' Optimus said running towards them. 

''She is my mother but I am not helping her.'' Megatron said glaring at the Prime. 

''Why not?'' Starscream who had been silent so far asked curious. 

''She left me for her job.'' Megatron said, he wasn't happy that they were all interfering with his personal life. 

''What is her job?'' Starscream asked even more curious. 

''She's a disciple of Primus.'' Megatron said sighing, Optimus glanced at Ratchet both of them remembering their earlier conversation. 

''Then why does she have dark Energon in her systems?'' Bulkhead asked confused. 

''I injected it into her, Unicron ordered me.'' Megatron answered. 

''You did what?!'' Arcee asked angry. 

''What are you gonna do? Shout at me?'' Megatron asked taunting. 

''I'll kill you!'' She shouted, she then pulled out her blades and charged at him. He easily evaded her and threw her to the other side of the roof. 

''I wouldn't recommend doing that again unless you want to be thrown of the roof.'' Megatron said calmly. 

''If you do that you will break the truce Megatron.'' Wheeljack warned. 

''She already broke it by attacking me.'' Megatron replied glaring at the Wrecker. 

''How about we all take a deep breath.'' Agent Fowler said trying to calm them down. 

''No.'' Solarwing said, she then stood up and attacked Megatron. Megatron got hit in the backand he stumbled to the edge of the roof, Solarwing insane from the dark Energon pushed him of the edge. 

''Boss!'' Cyclonus shouts looking over the edge, he sees that Megatron transformed and flew back up to the roof. 

''That's enough.'' He says his optics glowing purple with Unicron's power, Solarwing begins to shake as she falls on her knees. 

''Return to our master for punishment.'' Megatron orders her his optics glowing even brighter, she growls at him but obeys and leaves. 

''Who is she boss?'' Scourge asks. 

''The new recruit.'' Megatron says softly. 

''We need to talk.'' Starscream says staring at Megatron. 

''Then let's talk.'' Megatron answers going to his private quarters with Starscream close behind him. 

''What did you want to talk about?'' Megatron asked sitting down on his berth. 

''You're... Different.'' Starscream says softly sitting besides him. 

''What kind of different?'' Megatron asks curious. 

''More chaotic and cruel, but you hide less than before.'' Starscream says after a while. 

''That's to be expected, I am now Unicron's general after all.'' Megatron says suprisingly calm. 

''Why are you so calm about that?'' Starscream asks suprised and a bit concerned. 

''It's nothing I can change, so I might as well accept it.'' Megatron answers shrugging. 

''There's something I have to tell you.'' Starscream said after it had went silent again for a few minutes. 

''I... really really like you.'' Starscream said quickly, Megatron looked at him suprised. 

''Y-you do?'' He asked carefully. 

''Yes and I understand if you hate me.'' Starscream said looking away. 

''I don't hate you Starscream.'' Megatron said turning Starscream's face towards him. 

''I would never hate you.'' Megatron added, he then did something Starcream didn't expected. He kissed him. 

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