chapter 6: reunion

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''How do you feel?'' Ratchet asked. 

:;Like I died and returned to life.;: Bumblebee joked. 

''I missed you so much Bee.'' Raf said as he hugged Bumblebee's digit. 

:;I missed you too Raf.;: Bumblebee said as he looked at Optimus. 

:;I need to talk to Megatron, I have important news;: He said in a serious tone, Optimus nodded and called Megatron. 

''If this is you prank calling me again I will kill you Knockout.'' Megatron said, he froze when he saw team Prime. 

''Knockout prank calls you?'' Miko asks as she starts laughing. 

''Anways, what do you need?'' Megatron asks trying to hide that he was super emberrased. 

:;I remeber Unicron and someone talking.;: Bumblebee said deciding to help the gray mech. 

:;Unicron was talking to someone named Galvatron about him coming to Earth and about his son being a failure.;: Bumblebee revealed. 

''I understand, if you meet this Galvatron don't attack him. You won't survive it.'' Megatron said. 

''How do you know?'' Ultra Magnus asked. 

''because Galvatron is my father.'' Megatron said softly. 

''And if he is coming to Earth that can only mean one thing, he's coming to kill all of us.'' He added. 

''You father?!'' Jack asks suprised. 

''Is that so hard to believe?'' Megatron asked. 

''No, I just didn't expect it.'' Jack said. 

''If you think that I am evil you haven't seen him yet, he is much worse than me.'' Megatron said, then the alarm went. A ship was approaching Earth. 

''Oh no, he has brought his crew with him. We're screwed, good luck.'' Megatron said as he disconnected the call, the Nemesis was close to the ship so he had to take care of things. 

''Raise the shields, make sure they don't see us. Ready the weapons, everyone to their station!'' He ordered, it had been a long time since they had used the Nemesis in combat. Then they got a call from the ship, against wanting he answered the call. 

''Hello there Megatron, it has been a long time.'' Galvatron said smirking. 

''Is there anything you want?'' Megatron asked trying to be as nice as possible. 

''The matrix destroyed and you dead, for the rest nothing.'' Galvatron said, his purple optics glowing evilly. 

''You are a failure, you always was and always will be.'' His father said to him angry. 

''Perhaps I am, but I will not allow you to kill the last Prime. If you are mech enough to fight me meet me at these coördinates.'' Megatron said as he send some coördinates and disconnected the call. 

With Galvatron 

''The nerve of that mech! How dare he!'' Galvatron said angry as his second in command laughed a bit. 

''Shut it Cyclonus, now is not the time.'' He snapped. 

''Of course sir.'' Cyclonus said as he immediately stopped laughing. 

''What now?'' Scourge asked the leader. 

''I go to the location he send me, and I'll destroy him.'' Galvatron said angry. 

''Are you sure sir, he is still your son after all.'' Cyclonus said doubting the idea. 

''That is the reason I have to fight him.'' Galvatron said as he exited the ship and transformed and flew to the location Megatron send him. 

With Megatron

''Starscream, if anything happens to me you are to take command of the Decepticons. Make sure that you have peace with the Autobots and make sure that Optimus survives, if he dies all is lost.'' Megatron ordered as he walked to the roof. 

''I will my lord, but what about you?'' Starscream asked running to keep up with his leader. 

''I will go and fight the general of Unicron's army.'' The leader of the Decepticons said, when he arrived at the roof he transformed and headed to the volcano where he would meet his father. 

''Good luck.'' Starscream mumbled as he quickly called the Autobots. 

''Yes what do you want?'' Ratchet asked as he answered the call. 

''Everything's going wrong, Megatron has gone to fight his father and left me in charge.'' Starscream said panicking. 

''I fear that he doesn't plan on coming back.'' He added softly. 

''Where is he going?'' Optimus asked concerned. 

''The volcano.'' Soundwave said as he send Ratchet the coördinates.

''We are on our way.'' Optimus said as he disconeected the call. 

''Soundwave make sure that the Nemesis also goes there, we are going to help them.'' Starscream ordered, Soundwave nodded and went to the controls. 

''Hang on.'' Starscream mumbled as he stared outsi 

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