chapter 13: together

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''I did not expect that.'' Starscream says after they finished kissing. 

''Me neither.'' Megatron said winking at him. 

''Let's go back to the others.'' Starscream said draging him towards the bridge, when they arrive at the bridge everyone turns silent and stares at them. 

''What.'' Starscream asks them. 

''Optimus got a message from the Primes who delivered a message from Primus.'' Ratchet starts. 

''Primus isn't too happy about what happened to Solarwing.'' Wheeljack continues. 

''He has ordered Optimus to get rid of the dark Energon in her system.'' Ultra Magnus finishes. 

''Where is she Megatron.'' Optimus asks glaring at him, Megatron looks at Cyclonus and Scourge and sees them standing in a corner looking at the ground. 

''Only Unicron knows.'' Megatron answered. 

''Then ask him.'' Optimus said still glaring. 

''No need for that, I am here.'' A voice said suddenly, it was Solarwing. 

''Why are you here?'' Megatron asked looking at her. 

''I felt like it, now get that dark Energon out of me.'' She said glaring at him. 

''I can't without Unicron's permission.'' Megatron answered. 

''So you are just his lacky now?'' His mom says mockingly. 

''It could have been prevented if you had been there for me.'' Megatron said looking at her coldly. 

''I don't care, just get that stuff out of me!'' She shouted at him. 

''Fine...'' Megatron said softly, he then put his servo on her spark. After a while she fainted. 

''When she's awake she will be rid of the dark Energon.'' Megatron says walking towards Scourge and Cyclonus. 

''When will she wake up?'' Optimus asks as he looks at her concerned. 

''In about a day.'' Megatron says shrugging. 

''We will be back.'' Megatron said as his and Scourge's and Cylonus' optics glowed purple for a second at the same time. 

''Where are you going?'' Starscream asks concerned. 

''We are being summoned by Unicron.'' Scourge answers, Starscream nodds and they leave. 

After arriving at the volcano

''You summoned us master?'' Megatron asks as Unicron appears. 

''I did, I have a new mission for the three of you.'' Unicron says, they look at each other and then at him. 

''What is our new mission master?'' Cyclonus asks curious. 

''To kill the last Prime and the disciple of Primus.'' Unicron answers, they look at each other suprised. 

''Sir not to doubt your orders but last time it cost Galvatron's life, how can we succeed now?'' Scourge asks. 

''Back then they had Megatron at their side, now he's at our side. They won't stand a chance.'' Unicron answers his question. 

 ''My mother is stronger than you would think, I doubt that I can defeat her.'' Megatron said softly. 

''Then perhaps we should use the power of dark Energon, so that we can revive your father.'' Scourge suggested. 

''Perhaps.'' Megatron said softly, they then all looked at Unicron for guidance. 

''I can revive Galvatron so that he can help you, Megatron you will still be in charge.'' Unicron said, Megatron nodded. 

''Return in an hour, he will be alive then.'' Unicron said to them, they nodded made a bow and left. 

''That's gonna be weird.'' Cyclonus said softly. 

''What is?'' Scourge asked confused. 

''Having both Megatron and Galvatron around.'' He answered, meanwhile Megatron was staring at the sky. 

''You okay boss?'' Scourge asked sitting next to him. 

''Attempting to kill Optimus will result in the breaking of the truce, it will restart the war.'' Megatron sighed. 

''So? What's so bad about that?'' Cyclonus asked also sitting next to him. 

''Nothing actually.'' Megatron suddenly said smirking, he had an idea. 

''What's on your mind boss?'' Scourge asked, he knew that look and it scared him even though he would never admit it. 

''Unicron could revive the D.J.D. as our allies.'' Megatron answered after a while. 

''They would definetly be a good asset for the war to come.'' Cyclonus said nodding. 

''Let's go ask Unicron, he should be done by now.'' Scourge said walking ahead of them, when they arrived at the top of the volcano they saw Unicron and Galvatron waiting for them. 

''It's good to see you again father.'' Megatron greeted his father after making a bow for Unicron. 

''I agree my son, I am proud of you.'' Galvatron said smiling at him. 

''The D.J.D. are almost done.'' Unicron said, when they looked at him confused he simply said. 

''I overheard your conversation.'' They nodded and waited, soon the D.J.D. were standing in front of them. 

''Let's go kill some bots.'' Cyclonus said smirking, Helex nodded excited as well. The pet just growled softly, they were all clearly ready to kill. 

''All aboard then.'' Megatron said smirking, the blood of Unicron was causing him to grow more excited for each time he could use his full might. It was slowly corrupting his mind and changing his behaviour. 

Meanwhile on the Nemesis

''I won't be suprised if they return here to kill me.'' Solarwing said making herself comfortable. 

''I doubt that, we have a truce now and Megatron has changed... Right?'' Knockout said looking at everyone. 

''He has, but it's the dark Energon that is slowly corrupting him.'' Solarwing said sighing. 

''What are you talking about?'' Starscream asked confused and worried. 

''Dark Energon gives the user incredible strenght, however when used by a bot not used to it or someone weak of mind it can corrupt and control them. Megatron is used to it and is strong of mind, but he's slowly giving into his dark impulses. Giving in too much will cause him to lose his mind and become corrupted.'' Solarwing explained. 

''That's terrible...'' Knockout said softly. 

''It's the bitter truth I've known since I was young.'' Megatron suddenly said as he, Scourge and Cyclonus walked in the room. 

''It's fine though, I kinda like it.'' Megatron said smirking, his optics were glowing purple. 

''What are you up to now Megatron.'' Solarwing said glaring at him, she was ready to fight. 

''It was actually not my idea, but I support it.'' Megatron said, he then stepped aside to reveal Galvatron. 

''Hello there Solar.'' Galvatron said looking at her. 

''Galvatron...'' She whispered shocked. 

''Family problems.'' Arcee whispered the Bulkhead who nodded. 

''How dare you corrupt our son!'' Solarwing shouted at him angry when she had recovered from the shock. 

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