chapter 4: captive

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''Don't shoot.'' Starscream said as he put his servos in the air. 

''That was easy.'' Bulkhead said as Ultra Magnus cuffed Starscream. 

''Ratchet we require a groundbridge, we are bringing a prisoner back.'' Optimus said over the comm-link, a few moments later a groundbridge opened and they all went through. 

''What do you want from me Autobots?'' Starscream asked. 

''Answers, why did Megatron fight so different last time we fought?'' Optimus asked. 

''I don't know what you're talkiong about.'' Starscream said, he had gained his leaders trust and was not about to ruin it. 

''Tell us Starscream, or I will kill you.'' Arcee said angry. 

''Easy soldier.'' Ultra Magnus said. 

''Why were Megatron's eyes purple?'' Optimus asked starting to lose his patience. 

''Because of dark Energon, that's also the reason he fought like that.'' Starscream quickly said, he hoped it wasn't too obvious that he had lied. 

''You're lying.'' Ultra Magnus said, he was an expert in interegation. 

''Why would I?'' Starscream asked. 

''Scream please tell us, we have to know.'' Bulkhead said sounding tired. 

''I can't.'' Starscream said softly. 

''What are you talking about?'' Optimus asked curious. 

''I'm sorry Megatron, I have no choice.'' Starscream mumbled. 

''Very well then, I will tell you. But if I do you have to help him.'' Starscream said looking at the optics of the Autobot leader. 

''I promise that I will.'' Optimus said, Starscream noticed how he only talked about himself but decided to ignore it. 

''Megatron is the servant of Unicron, I couldn't tell you because Unicron would kill him if I told anyone.'' Starscream quickly said. 

''I believe you Starscream.'' Optimus said deep in thoughts. 

''We aren't going to help the one that killed Bee right?'' Smokescreen asked. 

''I made a promise so I have to, but you don't have to.'' Optimus said looking at each member of his team. 

''I will help you Optimus.'' Ratchet said. 

''Why you of all bots doc?'' Wheeljack asked suprised. 

''Long time ago Megatron was my friend, and for the sake of that friendship I am willing to help him.'' Ratchet explained as he opened the groundbridge. 

''Let's go.'' Optimus said as he unchained Starscream and him, Starscream and Ratchet walked through the groundbridge. Once they walked through they were suprised to find Soundwave waiting for them. 

''Soundwave? What are you doing here?'' Ratchet asked suprised. 

''Megatron told me about everything, then when I saw Starscream's signal disapear I figured out that you would be here soon.'' Soundwave said softly in his real voice. 

''You can talk?!'' Starscream asked suprised, Soundwave just nodded. 

''I expected that you would be here.'' Megatron said as he landed in front of them, his optics were glowing purple. 

''The matrix Optimus and I will spare you.'' Megatron said calmly. 

''We both know that I can't do that.'' Optimus said calm as well. 

''I know that you know about Unicron.'' Megatron said. 

''But what you don't know is that even if I choose to disobey, someone else will take care of it. Someone close to you.'' Megatron said softly. 

''What are you talking about?'' Optimus asked confused. 

''Bumblebee, because I am the one that killed him his spark is with Unicron now.'' Megatron explained. 

''Please Megatronus, for the sake of our friendship. Don't fight, if Bumblebee comes we can deal with him.'' Ratchet begged the tall mech. 

''I-I can't.'' Megatron said as the last light of the sun faded and he took a step back. 

''Why not?'' Soundwave asks. 

''Since I was young I was trained to be his servant, I have never known anything different.'' Megatron said softly. 

''Then allow us to teach you.'' Optimus said as he offered his servo, Megatron looked at it and then he took it. 

''Thank you, all of you.'' Megatron said as he fell on his knees. 

Meanwhile With Unicron

''Galvatron, your son has proven to be the failure he always was. I need your help on Earth.'' Unicron said. 

''Understood my lord, I am on my way.'' Galvatron answered as he headed towards Earth. 

''And now it's your turn young scout.'' Unicron said smirking as he changed Bumblebee's body and put the corrupted spark in it. 

''Go and destroy the matrix.'' He ordered, the now corruptedd Bumblebee nodded and left. 

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