chapter 11: the fighting ends

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''Then I will contact Optimus to discuss it.'' Megatron says looking at Soundwave, Soundwave nodds and immediately contacts Autobot outpost Omega-One. 

''Yes?'' Ratchet asks answering the call. 

''I have to speak to Optimus about the truce.'' Megatron says. 

''I will go get him.'' Ratchet says walking away, after some moments he returns with Optimus. 

''Hello Megatron, what are you doing back at the Nemesis if I may ask.'' Optimus says smiling at him. 

''Starscream doesn't want to rule the Decepticons so he asked me to return, Unicron agreed to it so here I am.'' Megatron explains. 

''Starscream doesn't want to rule the Decepticons?!'' Ratchet asked surpised.

''I know, it's a shocker.'' Knockout says smirking. 

''It's just too hard okay.'' Starscream mumbles offended. 

''Anyways, we're getting of track here.'' Megatron says changing the subject. 

''Right, how about we work together to rebuild Cybertron. We just have to sign the truce.'' Optimus proposes, Megatron nodds. 

''Very well, at the Nemesis or your base?'' Megatron asks. 

''The Nemesis, that is more official since it's the best ship of the Decepticon fleet.'' Optimus says, Megatron nodds again. 

''Soundwave will send a groundbridge, we will get the truce ready in the meantime.'' Megatron says, he then disconnects the call as Soundwave contacts Ratchet and sends a groundbridge. In a couple seconds the groundbridge appears and all the Autobots plus agent Fowler step through it. 

''Why is this human here?'' Megatron asked confused. 

''If you are ending the war I have to be here, my leaders want a first hand report from me.'' Agent Fowler explains. 

''I understand, just don't make a mess. None of you.'' Megatron said looking at the Autbots and human. 

''We would never.'' Bulkhead protests. 

''Just making sure.'' Megatron said smirking. 

''Boss, Unicron has a message for you. I recommend not wasting time to go see him.'' Cyclonus said taping Megatron on the shoulder, Megatron nodds. 

''I will be back.'' He says, then quickly walks to the roof and transforms. He then heads to the volcano where Unicron was waiting for him. 

''You summoned me master?'' Megatron asked as he transformed and bowed before Unicron. 

''I sensed the awakening of one of Primus' disciples, you are to hunt her down and bring her to me.'' Unicron explained. 

''Understood master, I will go after I signed the peace treaty with Optimus.'' Megatron said still bowing. 

''No. You will go now, I will inform Cyclonus.'' Unicron said, Megatron nodded. 

''Yes master, I will leave right now.'' He said, he then stood up transformed and flew away. He knew exactly where to go because of Unicron's power flowing through his veins. 

On the Nemesis 

''Unicron has informed me that Megatron will be gone for a week to a year.'' Cyclonus said suddenly. 

''Why?'' Wheeljack asked confused. 

''He didn't tell me nor will I ask, but I assume that he has gotten a mission.'' Cyclonus explained. 

''Must be urgent if he had to leave without us.'' Scourge says. 

''But didn't we need him to sign the truce?'' Wheeljack asked, Optimus sighed knowing that they would have to delay signing the truce again. 

''We'll sign it when he returns.'' Optimus says softly. 

''When will that be? In twenty years?'' Smokescreen asks sarcastic. 

''Watch your tongue young one.'' Cyclonus says glaring at him. 

''Or what? You'll kill me?'' Smokescreen asks glaring back at him. 

''Don't tempt me.'' Cyclonus says. 

''That's enough.'' Scourge whispers to him putting a servo on his shoulder. 

''Fine.'' Cyclonus says angry, he then turns his back on Smokescreen and walks back to the ship. 

Meanwhile with Megatron 

He had been flying towards the planet Gigantion, because that was where he sensed that she was. When he arrived he transformed and landed, he looked around and saw lots of giant and small bots walking around building things. 

''Looking for something?'' A large white bot asked. 

''I'm looking for a disciple of Primus, do you know where I can find her?'' He asked not wasting any time. 

''We are only here with titans and Minicons, I have no idea who you're talking about.'' The giant said. 

''Thank you anyway.'' Megatron said, he then transformed again and started searching the planet. Even if it would take months or years, he would find her. 

''Looking for someone?'' A female voice suddenly said, he looked behind him and there he saw a female bot normal size. 

''Who are you?'' Megatron asked transforming and landing in an open field, she transformed as well and landed right next to him. 

''You don't recognise your own mother Megatron?'' She said smiling at him. 

''It can't be... Dad said you were dead.'' Megatron says softly taking some steps back. 

''And you believe your father?'' His mother asked raising an eyebrow. 

''You are the disciple of Primus...'' Megatron mumbled looking at the ground. 

''Yes, why do you ask?'' His mother asked taking a few steps in his direction. 

''Can you come with me?'' He asked not having the spark to tell his mother about what happened to his father and him. 

''Of course Megatron.'' She said smiling, he nodded and transformed. She followed him as they went back to Earth. 

''Where is your father?'' His mother asked after a while. 

''Dead.'' Megatron said softly. 

''What happened to him?'' She asked, the sadness was clear in her voice. 

''I'll tell you later.'' Megatron answered sighing. 

''We're here.'' He said as they entered Earth's atmosphere. 

''I feel the dark presence of Unicron.'' His mother said looking around cautiously as they transformed and landed on top of the volcano. 

''That doesn't suprise me.'' Megatron said, he then kneeled as Unicron's face appeared. 

''I brought her to you master, her name is Solarwing. She is my mother.'' Megatron said, he didn't dare look up at his mother or Unicron. 

''Megatron... Why?'' Solarwing asked softly taking a couple of steps back. 

''You asked how father died, so I will tell you.'' Megatron said standing up and turning around to face her. 

''He came here to hunt down the last Prime, I fought him and won. I killed him and became Unicron's general.'' Megatron said his optics glowing purple, he had hidden the fact that dark Energon flowed through his veins from her. 

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