chapter 8: peace

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''I never thought that I would miss him.'' Knockout said softly as he stared at the sky. 

''I know, I wonder how he is.'' Starscream said with a sad smile. 

With Megatron 

''How dare you defy me!'' Unicron said angry as he used his powers to make Megatron feel pain. 

''My lord, please stop. If you kill him you won't have a general.'' Cyclonus begged his master. 

''Fine, but from now you follow my every command.'' Unicron said as he left. 

''Thanks Cyclonus.'' Megatron said as he stood up. 

''It's the least I could do.'' Cyclonus answered while looking away. 

''Let's go then.'' Megatron said with softly. 

With the Autobots

''Starscream I understand that there are problems in the Decepticon army, but we really have to sign that truce.'' Optimus said to the seeker. 

''I know, I have time tommorow.'' Starscream answered as he disconected the call. 

''Optimus we have to talk.'' Ratchet said to his leader. 

''What is it old friend?'''Optimus asked. 

''Tell me how you feel.'' Ratchet said as he looked at Optimus' optics. 

''I feel lost, I feel like that I've failed Megatron.'' Optimus said softly as he stared at the ground. 

''You know that Megatron wouldn't want you to feel that way.'' Ratchet says as he puts his servo on Optimus' shoulder. 

''I know, but still.'' The Prime sighed. 

''Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault.'' The medic said softly. 

''Thank you Ratchet.'' Optimus said smiling a bit. 

With Starscream 

''Shockwave I need your help.'' Starscream said to the scientist. 

''What for?'' Shockwave asked. 

''To tell the others that the war has ended.'' Starscream explained. 

''I will help you, after all Megatron told me to take care of you.'' Shockwave says as he starts walking out of the room. 

''Where are we going?'' Starscream asks as he runs after him. 

''To Soundwave so you can announce the message to all Decepticons.'' Shockwave explained. 

''Are you ready?'' Soundwave asks, he had already heard what he had to do. 

''Yes, I am.'' Starscream says as he takes a deep breath. 

''Hello fellow Decepticons, I am here to tell you that our lord and master Megatron has died. His cause of death is unknown and we are still working on finding out what killed him, but that is not the only reason that I am sending this message. Recently we have made a truce with the Autobots, yes you heard it right. We have ended the war, so stop fighting. Put down your weapons.'' Starscream said, then when he was done Soundwave stopped the announcement. 

''Well done Screamer.'' Knockout said smiling. 

''That was terrible.'' Starscream said, he had never been so nervous before. 

With Optimus

''Autobots, I am pleased to announce that the war has ended. We have made a truce with the Decepticons.'' Optimus announced shortly. 

'''Finally.'' Wheeljack said relieved. 

''What now?'' Arcee asked, they had been fighting for so long that they had forgotten how to live their lives normally. 

''We go home.'' Optimus said smiling. 

With some Decepticons on another planet

''I can't believe it, that traitor must have killed him.'' The leader said angry. 

''We shall avenge him.'' Another said as they all went aboard the ship and headed to Earth. 

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