Ch 3: Who are they?

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It was 4 in the morning when Birdie decided to show up at Cat's home. Cat has never slept well, possibly a side effect of her upbringing and her deployments, and when she did sleep, she was not a morning person. However, Cat knows that if she doesn't answer the bird at her door, that bird was going to keep banging on the door until she did. Cat regrets ever letting Birdie and Hound have a copy of her house key. Cat was cursing under her breath as she went to her bedroom door, dragging herself off of the cot on the floor, glad that she had the thought to lock it before sleeping.


Birdie was smiling, she always was a morning person, "Good morning! I brought you energy drinks but we have to be at the air field at 0700 and it is well over an hour out!" She extended her hand with the bag of energy drinks.

"Why can't you tone it down? The sun isn't up and you are way to happy."

"Happy isn't what I would say, I've had enough caffine."

Cat sighed, hanging her head, accepting that they were going to actually make her go.

"I'm taking all of these with us to the field. If anyone asks it's your fault."

"Expected nothing less!" Birdie laughed.

"Now go away. I have to get dressed. You know where everything's at, eat, listen to the radio, or whatever you do on your phone."

"Uh-huh, what if I want to watch t.v? Have you gotten one yet?"


"Cool, I know what else to buy for your place." Birdie nodded.

"You have your own place, quit trying to furnish mine."

"Well if I don't, who will? Hm? You won't. You won't even sleep in the nice bed I bought for you!"

"I can't sleep on that. It's uncomfortable. The floor is better."

"Uh-huh. What does your therapist have to say about you choosing to sleep on the floor?"

"Nothing. Its not her business anyways."

"I need her contact so I can rat on you. You need help."

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Captain Obvious."

"Rude. I'm giving you ten minutes to get ready, then we are going to get Hound."

Cat just nodded her head and shut the door in Birdie's face. She looked in the bag Birdie brought and true to her word she did bring her energy drinks. Six of them. Maybe today won't be hell on Earth. Cat got ready for the day quickly, before she grabbed the bag of energy drinks. By the time Cat had left her room and went into the kitchen where Birdie was, Cat had already drank one energy drink and was on her second.

Birdie gave her a disappointed look, "Cat, surely drinking one in minutes cannot be good for your heart?"

"You gave them to me."

"Well I didn't think you would chug them!"

"Birdie, when have I ever consumed caffeine at a normal rate?"

Birdie looked towards the ceiling, muttering something along the lines of god help me.

"Anyways, how was your date with Goose?"

Birdie quickly looked at Cat, shocked, "How did you know I went on a date with him? I didn't tell anyone! And it happened yesterday?"

"Because you only give me more than four energy drinks on times you are having a good time. Also, everyone can see how much you like the man."

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