Ch 13: Rocky Starts

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Cat was standing behind Gaz, Ghost, and Soap on the plane while Price spoke with Laswell over the comms. Cat was itching to jump, the longer they stood waiting for clearance to drop, the less safe area they had. So Price delaying the drop while the gate was down was concerning.

"What's going on? Something had to have gone wrong." Cat elbows Gaz, as he was the one closest to Price. Cat wasn't very close to Price so she couldn't tell if Price seemed genuinely bothered by what Laswell was talking about or if it was just his face.

"I don't know. It's hard to hear." Gaz answered, his voice hardly audible over the rushing wind.

"Turn it around. Turn it around now!" Price demanded pushing past everyone to go to the cockpit.

"How much do you want to bet Makarov escaped?" Cat sighed as she faced the others, the three men watching Price.

"You're probably right..." Ghost muttered once the gate to the plane was closed filling the plane with silence.

Cat looked over at Ghost, a feeling of dread washing over her. Something big was at risk here and she didn't know if she could handle the thought of losing anyone else.

"New plan, we're dropping in at an abandoned nuclear reactor in Urzikstan. Konni forces had attacked Farah's base, stealing American missiles. Kate has tracked them down to this reactor. Ghost, Cat, and I will recce the plant. Soap, Gaz, you two will secure the perimeter." Price explained, laying out a map of the plant.

"No offense, sir, why can't Cat help us secure the perimeter? Why do you need three to recce an abandoned plant?" Gaz questioned as he looked at Cat.

"Because Cat is... Cat. Remember Las Almas? Do you believe she would be better at securing a perimeter or recce?"

Cat scoffed, "What do you mean, Cat is Cat?"

"Nothing too offensive, just you have a knack for violence and you leave more bodies behind than probably Ghost."

Cat looked up from the map, staring at Price for a moment, "I can't really argue with that. Fine. So the plan is go in and fuck their shit up, essentially?"
"To make it short, yes and no. We want to make sure they cannot transport whatever they have there. We also want to see what is going on there. So under no circumstances, Cat, are you to take matters into your own hands."

"Fine... jeez, I'll stick close to Ghost. That way if I try to cause trouble, Ghost can stop it."\

"Good luck Ghost. You'll probably need it most." Soap muttered clapping the man on the back.

"Soap, I will shave that mohawk off your head still."

"No you won't, lass. You can't even reach my head, short stop."

"How much trouble would I be in for friendly fire?" Cat asked to no one in particular as she slowly reached for her sidearm.

"A lot. Don't shoot sunshine, we need all hands on deck." Price scolded with a sigh as he put the map away, Ghost grabbed Cat's wrist, knowing she would do something.

"Sunshine?" Soap asked but was ignored as everyone else got their gear and prepared to drop as they got closer to the drop zone.

"Remember, we need information. Don't do anything that'll get you compromised." Price barked as the gate dropped again, the plane filling with the noise of rushing air, anything anyone may have had to say was drowned out.

With a final nudge to Ghost, Cat followed behind Price, jumping out of the plane and into enemy territory. Cat dove fast towards the ground, passing Price and putting distance between her and Ghost before she pulled her parachute. Cat's slammed feet first onto a roof of a building, skidding to a stop as she shed her parachute, quickly taking cover and looking to the sky to try and locate Price or Ghost. Price landed south of her right above several enemies, and Ghost landed north of her close to the reactor, causing her to groan.

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