4. The Word Was Sharp

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Your words were a knife
A knife you failed to hesitate to use
Even when you saw me bleed water from my eyes
You did not stop for a second
Does my watery blood not move your heart?
So you may offer me some mercy and stop the bleeding

Your embrace was salt
After your session of knife-works
You would embrace me
Covering my wounded heart with salt
Adding more pain to the pain
Until my heart became numb
And so being stabbed became a norm

Does your tongue know no bounds
I could swear it reached infinity
There was no line you wouldn't cross ,with your knife of words
The misfortune was that I was the only thing ,you could find on either sides of those lines you crossed
So stabbed you did over and over you continued to make me bleed

Why does my tongue fail to throw knives likes yours?
Why are the knives I throw so dull?
That they make no cuts to your heart
I fear your mouth everyday
For the mouth that cuts my heart is the same one that kisses me to soothe the pain

I see why I couldn't match your tongue
Because unlike you my dear
I couldn't bring myself to hurt you with my words
No wonder my knives were so dull
Because I lack the will to cut the one I call my love
Yet I continue to pray she cuts me less

For I cannot bring myself to leave her so I endure the cuts forevermore

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