24. The Wall Ahead

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Towards the obstacle I ran
With all my might I rammed
Against the wall I crashed
Like glass I broke
And tall it stood still
Shattered I fell in pieces
Yet still it stood still

I tried to change my form
So faster I could run
Thus faster I ran
Yet still I crashed
Like glass once more I was
In bits and bits I was

I tried to change my form
I tried to approach the wall
A way apart from running
Run and ram I did not
Around the wall I went
I wondered why I ran
And rammed when
Around I could go

Finally the obstacle I passed
In joy and tears I was
so valuable a lesson I learned
That each time I broke
Same time I rebuilt
From bits and bits
To myself I was whole

Pointless wasn't running
And so was ramming
through them I learned a lesson
other ways are there
When your one way
Isn't the true way
To get pass the obstacle

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2024 ⏰

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