14. Ours Is finite

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A gift granted from above
Courtesy of the one above all
We show little to no appreciation
Shown by how much of it we waste
The gift is not eternal
As we are mortals
Our time is not infinite

The number of ants would not equal the number of times we've wasted it
The gift giver frowns at the sight he sees from below his feet

The actions that contribute to the depletion of his loving gift
It saddens him but he can do nothing but watch
Afterall gifts can't be taken back

We spend it over the most meaningless of things
Yet we expect meaningful things to come out of our wastage
Some procrastinate while some give in to their temptations
To satisfy their worldly desires

We deprive our loved ones of this gift while giving it those who are undeserving
We spend this gift with those who have no interest in our livelihood
He above sees this all yet he can do nothing but watch
Because he gaves us free will to do what we wish with his gift

His tears shower us in the form of rain and our shame forces us to evade his feelings with umbrellas
He is hopeful during sunny days because not all waste his gift
There are those who show appreciation and cherish this gift until they draw their last

The gift given to all who were born
The gift given to all who still breathe
The gift given to all who still walk this earth
The gift of time in the form of life

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