6. Stop Please Continue

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He came to embrace me from behind with his arms over my shoulder
I could feel his warm breath
As he whispered to my ear
How far do you want to go today?
He asked in his manly pitched voice
Not too far I thought but couldn't say

My heart started to beat faster
To match my already shivering hand
I wanted to say yes go on but
I became mute and numb from anticipation and fear
If you don't stop me
I'll take that as yes he said
As he slowly lowered his right arm
Below my left shoulder

No one could see his attempts on me
Behind these closed walls
That alone made him even more confident to try and have his way with me
I wanted him to but I lacked the will so I kept quite and let him continue

His right hand began to climb the slope on my chest
A burst of sensations exploded
Throughout my body
Like an itch that can only be scratched him I let him relieve me
He began to smooch my neck like a lolli and I unwillingly let out a moan
He heard and chuckled at me
I quickly covered my mouth in shame and moved forward from his grasp

Let's take things slowly I mumbled with my barely mustered confidence and with that he stopped though my body wanted to continue

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