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A/N This was supposed to be released a few days ago, but I was in jail... I'm kidding! I deadass forgot. Like I could give you a million excuses, but I just blanked lmbo. 

Yoongi picked the note up, 'I won't be home for a few days. Dinner is in the fridge.' He smashed the note up into a ball and threw it away. He knew dinner was in the fridge because he put it there after he cooked it himself last night. Something he's been doing since the age of 7 when his mother passed away.

He can't really blame his father, he was never hands-on before his mother's death. But he assumed that he'd cut back the hours at work and actually pay attention to his son now that he was alone at home. But that was wishful thinking. He doesn't know what his dad does, all he knows is he works in a hospital and sometimes he doesn't come home for days.

Not that he cares, he's long ago given up on trying to have a relationship with the man. As long as he pays the bills and keeps money in the drawer so Yoongi can buy necessities then they need no other forms of contact. He grabbed the pyrex holding the stew he made last night, he'll get two more meals out of it if he's careful. And based on the fridge he'll have to be unless he wants to ride his bike the 5 miles to the store for more groceries.

Not today, he sighed. He can go on Sunday, he'll need stuff for breakfast anyway. It was a weekend like any other, one where he was completely alone in the quiet house. Yoongi didn't mind, yes he was lonely. But he didn't really have friends so it's not like anything was going to change anytime soon. Oh how wrong he was, Sunday evening after he returned from the store with food for the week his father returned home with a new wife in tow and a small boy that looked like he was maybe five or six.

He was so tiny, his blonde hair was matted and sticking up all over the place. His clothes were somehow too big and too small on him all at the same time. He also didn't smell that great, he was clutching a small yellow blanket and a stuffed baby chick. "Yoongi, meet your new little brother. His name is Jimin, I expect you two to be the best of friends."

Yoongi wanted to snort so badly, like he'd ever be besties with a kid half his age. "Sure, we'll have sleepovers and braid each others hair."

The kid's eyes lit up a bit as he shuffled out from behind his mother. "We are going on our honeymoon, Jimin will be going to your school. So make sure you take him tomorrow. His paperwork is in his suitcase. We'll see you guys in a week." And with that, his father and new mother left.

The elder's eyes darted to the skinny and dirty kid in front of him. "No offense, but you smell so before I feed you, you have to get cleaned up."

The kid's eyes dropped as tears started to fall, "I'm sorry, my Mommy doesn't buy me soap, or anything really. I promise to stay out of your hair, I'm a really good boy, I swear it."

Something in Yoongi's heart broke at that moment. He walked over to the crying boy and wrapped his arms around him, "hey, hey. It's okay. It's nothing a shower and some clean clothes can't fix. Come on, I'll show you where the bathroom is and I'll grab your stuff."

He got Jimin set up in the bathroom and then went to rummage through his backpack. The poor kid had 1 pair of pants that were a size 4 in toddlers and a pair of shorts that were 18 months. He had 1 zip-up hoodie that looked like it had at one time been for an adult but was well used and holey. There was another t-shirt but it was just as gross, none of this would work. Yoongi had some clothes he'd outgrown. They'd be big on Jimin but at least they were in good condition and didn't smell.

He tossed the clothing into the bin and went to look through his boxes of old things, already making a mental checklist of the things he'd need to buy the poor kid. He found a pair of pajamas for him to wear and he brought them to the bathroom. With a quick knock on the door, he walked in. "Bad news Jimin, your mom didn't pack any clothes for you. But no worries, I have stuff that you can wear. It might be a bit big, but that's okay. We'll get you some stuff after school tomorrow."

Jimin didn't say anything back, all Yoongi could hear was the water and hiccups. Then a soft "thank you."

"Hey, are you crying? Are you okay? I promise I'm not as mean as I seem. It's just my Dad is never home and I wasn't expecting to get a new brother today, that's all. I'm not mad, I'm glad to have the company actually. It's just," he sighed. He's only 13, this is way out of his element.

"It's okay, I-I just." Jimin stopped talking and started crying harder. Yoongi started to panic, he ripped the shower curtain open and there on the floor curled out in a little ball was a naked boy that had more bruises than he did unmarked skin. The boys hands flew up to cover his head as he started sobbing, "I'm sorry, I'll be good. I'm a good boy, I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey," Yoongi has never wished in his life more that he had already presented than he did right then. His scent was starting to manifest, but not nearly where it would need to be to calm a pup down. "Jimin, it's okay. You are good, you are a very good boy. There is nothing to be sorry for. I just wanted to know if I could help that's all?"

Watery blue eyes looked at Yoongi and pierced his soul, "I'm dirty all over but it hurts. I don't want to smell anymore, but it hurts."

"Okay baby, don't worry. I've got you." With the softest hands he could, he took the washrag and cleaned up the sobbing pup in front of him until he was sparkling clean. "Want to go fill that tummy up?"

Yoongi had to admit that Jimin was a cute kid once he wasn't covered in filth. He even started smiling, his little eyes turning into crescent moons as his cheeks puffed up. With some weight on him, he'll have the most pinchable cheeks ever. "I don't have a lot, but we ca."

"Wow I've never seen that much food in a fridge before," Jimin gasped.

The elder looked down at him and frowned, there was a bottle of orange juice and a half gallon of milk, some cheese and meat for sandwiches, veggies for dinner and some packaged meat as well. There were a few eggs in there but he needed to grab more. "I have cereal and oatmeal for breakfast but if you don't like that we can pick whatever you want tomorrow."

Jimin shook his head quickly, "I'll eat anything you give me, I promise."

Yoongi had never been so glad that his father brought home a random stray before. He can take care of the pup. At least now Jimin will be fed and cleaned and won't have bruises all over him. "Come on, let's eat."

He went with something simple, just a couple sandwiches and some canned soup. He didn't want to overwhelm Jimin's stomach, he had no idea how long it had been since he had eaten last. But based on the fact that the scarfed down his food in under a minute, he knew it had been a while. "Sorry," Jimin blushed, "I usually only get to eat at school, so I haven't eaten anything since Friday at lunch."

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