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"Jimin, calm down," his dance coach yelled, "you are stinking up the place." He didn't say it in malice, Jimin could tell. But his nerves were shot. He had two showcases tonight, one a solo dance and another a solo song. He was only a freshman and the only freshman that had a solo, let alone two, one in each of the departments.

"Sorry," the Omega squeaked. "I'm so afraid that I'm going to fall or my voice is going to crack. I'm going to look like a fool for my Alpha."

The coach sighed a bit before walking over, "you were chosen to perform two solos tonight. There are seniors that don't even have the honor of doing one solo. You were chosen for a reason Jimin, you are a very talented dancer and I've heard you singing in the studio. You are great there as well, now go take a few breaths and wow that crowd."

The Omega nodded before doing as instructed, he had to sing first. He was opening the show and closing the show, it was a great honor and one he believed he didn't earn. But he wanted to prove to his Alpha that he was a worthy mate. He walked out onto the dark stage, the curtain was still drawn and he took his place in the center of the stage. He'd start singing before they even raised the curtains, by the time he hit the high note he'd just barely be shown in the spotlight. 

It was to add dramatics to the performance, his singing instructor was almost giddy with excitement when he told him about it. Jimin had no idea how it would work, but he wasn't going to tell him no when he looked so happy. He knew exactly where Yoongi was, he didn't need to see him to know he was in the front row. As close to the stage as he could get. Their connection let him know and as soon as the curtain was high enough, their eyes connected for a brief second before Jimin closed them and hit the high note. As a tear slid down his face, he was so happy.

He felt so complete, he was doing something he loved and it was all because of his Alpha. He never would have pursued singing or dancing without Yoongi pushing him, and encouraging him. The greatest Alpha in all of existence and he's his, no one can separate them and one day they'll have a family, a little pup of their own. He ended the song staring at Yoongi with his hand over his stomach. He knew that Yoongi understood, the Alpha nodded his head and Jimin almost sobbed.

The curtain closed and all Jimin could hear was the massive clapping the audience was doing, it was so loud it drowned out his heartbeat that was booming in his ears. He was so high on adrenaline, "you did so great Jimin, now go go, I know your coach wants to run through the routine one more time."

"Thanks Professor Kim," he chirped as he ran off to Coach Jung. 

"I'm here," he gasped out looking at the Beta in front of him.

"Come come, let's get one more run through before Tae steals you for another round of costumes and makeup and hair."

They ran through it once, nailing it perfectly just as Coach Jung knew he would. He'd never in his long years of teaching had he seen someone so naturally talented. Especially someone who hadn't danced before. Jimin worked harder than anyone, staying late and pushing himself to near exhaustion but it showed in how great he was.

"You really are a prodigy Jimin."

The Omega blushed so cutely, as he refused to look at the Beta. "Thanks," he mumbled as he gathered his stuff. 

Before he could even say anything else, Kim fucking Taehyung burst into the room yelling at Hobi for not giving him enough time to get the star of the show ready. And how dare he do that to him. Hobi just chuckled a bit, waving the other Beta off. 

Jimin was basically picked up and thrown over Tae's shoulder as he rushed them to the dressing room. He was handed an outfit and told he had 2 minutes to change before Tae worked his magic. It wasn't easy, the outfit that Jimin had to put on was so tight he could barely breathe in it. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination and he knew that Yoongi was going to pitch a fit. But he wanted his mating mark to show, so the nude tights with small shorts over them and a sheer top that was left unbuttoned was it.

As soon as the music started Jimin leapt onto the stage. He heard the gasp, it was almost scandalous for an Omega to wear what he was wearing. He still remembers telling Tae that he couldn't do it and that cheeky Beta just shrugged, "don't you want to show all of those Alphas and Betas that always leer at you that you are taken? Show them what they'll never be able to have?"

So that's how he found himself in the situation, smelling the scents of those around him turn to arousal. His mark wasn't as visible yet, it wouldn't be until the collar of his shirt dropped. That would come after the finale. 

Yoongi was practically vibrating with anger and lust. His mate was practically naked on stage and he can smell the bastards around him, hear their little murmurs of the sexy as fuck Omega that they are going to knot tonight if they have their way. "Come with me," he heard a deep voice.

"Who are you?" He whispered looking at the tall man with dimples.

"Jimin's professor sent me to get you, you need to be on the side of the stage. Hurry we don't have much time."

So Yoongi followed the tall man to the side of the stage, not knowing what was going on. But then the music turned, his eyes were entrapped by Jimin's movements. He was pulling him in with his moves, with the looks he was giving him. He wanted to march out into the middle of the stage and wrap his arms around the younger. He wanted everyone in the fucking building to know that they could do nothing to steal his mate away from him.

Yes most people on campus knew they were mated, it was hard not to when you see them together. But not everyone had seen them together it seemed based on the cocky words coming from some of them. He got confused when it seemed like Jimin was getting closer to him, but he opened his arms wide regardless. He'd always catch his Omega, Jimin lept into his arms as the shirt dropped down and everyone in the entire building could see the mating mark Yoongi left on his neck.

They kissed right as the music hit it's peak, "please give a round of applause for our youngest and most promising student Park Jimin," the dimpled man said. "And his mate Min Yoongi, who convinced him to join the dance and music programs."

The Alpha didn't hear anything else the man was saying, he was too focused on the Omega in his arms. "Baby, if you don't stop I will knot you here in front of everyone and I'm afraid they might kick us out of school for that."

Jimin whined a bit, wanting to be knotted so very badly. But Yoongi was right, they would get kicked out and Jimin actually liked college, even more since he was getting to do it with his Alpha. "Take me home Alpha, I want to fall asleep in our nest, with your knot deep inside me."

Yoongi has always been a weak man when it came to Jimin, "anything for you my love."

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