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"Okay, you have until you graduate. I'll set you up a bank account so I can deposit money into it monthly since you won't be here anymore. It was good seeing you son, we're going on a vacation so we won't be back for a month."

That's perfect, that means that Jimin will have a month of being able to have a nest without worry. Yoongi couldn't wait for them to live on their own so Jimin never had to hide his scent or his nest. Maybe he can be homeschooled so he can be the Omega he's supposed to be. But they have some time to figure that out.

As soon as they left Jimin came out of his room, "what are we going to do?"

"Exactly what I told them. Find a studio apartment, live together, and as soon as I graduate. We'll get out of this house and you can finally be yourself. You can let your scent free, have your heats if you want and be an Omega."

"But what about school?"

Yoongi shrugged, "you can be homeschooled or we can send you to a new school. Whatever you want. I'll register you as my dependant so everything will be under me. The school can know you are an Omega that way, we won't have to deal with our parents anymore."

"I'll get a job, I'll look tomorrow so I can start saving."

With a small kiss to his forehead, Yoongi stopped the blabbering that came out of his Omega's mouth. "Don't worry about it, focus on getting a scholarship. Your grades are much better than mine Jiminie. I'll work, my piano teacher told me about a gig at a hotel playing the piano for guests. He thinks that I'm good enough to do it. It pays decent and it has tips too."

Jimin clapped, a massive grin on his face, "oh that's so exciting, can I come watch?"

"You've seen me play the piano a hundred times, now you want to go to work with me?"

He shrugged quickly, "of course I do. I can go with you and do my homework. It's better than sitting at home waiting for them to show up whenever they want."

It made sense, Yoongi hadn't even thought of that. He never left Jimin home by himself if there was a chance that they'd show up. "Sounds good Baby, I'd love to have you there with me."

Yoongi stood up to the quiet applause, he bowed quickly as his eyes darted over to the corner where Jimin was sitting. He was such a frequent guest during Yoongi's shifts that the night manager put a table out for him to do his homework at. The Beta was so in love with Jimin that she brought him all kinds of homemade goodies, always telling everyone that would listen how smart and cute he was.

She was in her early 60s and never mated or had any pups. So she appointed herself their step-in mother, "Yoongi that was so good sweetheart! We always get so many compliments when you play. You make the guests so happy."

The Alpha smiled, a little bashfully. He's not one that's used to compliments and praise. "Thank you, Ma'am. And thank you for allowing Jimin to come with me. I don't feel comfortable leaving him at home alone."

June waved him off, "it's my pleasure. He's such a sweet little thing, plus he helps with Kerri's pup." Her eyes were sparkling at the Omega that was currently bent over the table looking at the pups workbook. "That boy was failing math so hard before Jimin started tutoring him. He's been amazing." She clapped her hands, "plus he helped me with the account the other day when I discovered money was missing. He found it in 10 minutes."

"He really is amazing," Yoongi was brimming with pride even though he was speaking about Jimin vs himself.

"Well here," she shoved a plastic bag towards the Alpha, "made too much lasagna and pie last night, can't finish it all before it goes bad."

"You spoil us too much."

She pinched the Alpahs cheek, "you two deserve it, working so hard to save up for your future. When you make it big, don't forget about us."

"Alpha," Jimin called as he waved from the table. "I'm done."

"I see that Baby, ready to head home? Ms. June gave us some food for dinner."

Jimin grinned at the Beta, "thanks Ms. June, we'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Babies, eat well okay?"

As they were on their way home Jimin was practically bouncing with energy. "What has you so excited?"

The Omega grabbed his backpack and pulled out a wad of money, "I've saved up $500 to add to our future fund," he was waving it in the air and so excited. It made Yoongi's heart drop, it wasn't Jimin's responsibility to be saving money, it was his. He's the Alpha.

"That's great Baby, why don't you buy yourself something you really want since your birthday is coming up?"

"I want that couch we saw, the bright blue one. I'm saving up for that for our home!" The Omega was so excited, they went to look at furniture just to get an idea on prices since their parents weren't going to help.

"Baby, let me worry about those things. You should be buying."

"Buying what?" He interrupted, "when I tried to buy blankets for my nest you said it was your job to provide that. Then when I tried to buy you something you said you didn't need anything and to save my money for something I wanted." His arms crossed over his chest and his scent was souring a bit through the blockers, "what am I supposed to do with my money then?"

"I don't even want you making money in the first place, I'm supposed to take care of you," he grumbled.

Jimin smiled as he scooted closer to his Alpha, "but you do take care of me. So well, I want to help, it's our life together Yoongi. It's our future. Let me invest in it too."

He didn't want that, he wanted Jimin to be a happy high school kid that didn't have to worry about anything other than homework. Yoongi flew through the grades in order to graduate as early as possible so he could get Jimin out of this toxic situation. But Jimin was right, he should be able to help if he wants to.

"Okay Baby, if it makes you happy you can save up for that couch you loved so much." Yoongi had never seen Jimin happier than he was in that moment. It was like having a goal was lighting him up from the inside. "Let's eat, okay?"

Yoongi went through the money he'd saved away over the past six months. He had almost $5k, having Ms. June feed them so often was extremely helpful because they've been able to save a lot of the money their parents leave them for groceries. Add in the pay and tips Yoongi gets and they are doing better, way better than he expected.

He sat down in front of his computer, the weight of what he was trying to do was starting to hit him. He's going to take Jimin from the only place he's ever been happy and take him states away to hide from their parents. But it's for the best, he'll be able to have his scent back and even his heats if he wanted. 

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