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Jimin will never in a million years admit that he loves his dance classes. He couldn't handle how smug his Alpha would get about it, but the soreness he feels and the exhaustion that comes after was amazing. He almost craved it, to dance his worries away. That stupid OPS lady kept showing up, making claims that Yoongi was unfit to be his Alpha. So he took all of that frustration out in the dance studio.

He also wouldn't admit that Yoongi was right when it came to his singing. All of his singing instructors were in love with his voice and ensured him that with a bit of polishing, he could become an idol if he wanted. He preened every time one of his teachers praised him. He picked up dancing like he was born for it and he picked up singing just as easily. 

He was one of the hardest working students they had, often staying late in the music room or dance studio just going over what he learned. He would stay so late and so often that Yoongi had made it a habit to come get him and drag him home. The younger falling asleep on his Alphas shoulder on the bus ride home.

"We're at our stop Baby, come on," Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear making the Omega whine and curl into him more. "I'm not carrying you again," he grumbled knowing damn well it was a lie. He carries him home every single day. As he laid Jimin down in their nest and smiled a bit, "and you were worried for nothing, proof that you should just listen to me since I seem to know better."

"S'up," Jimin grumbled as he swatted at his Alpha, "eepy."

"Okay Baby," he laid down with Jimin as the younger rolled over and on top of his Alpha so he could shove his face into Yoongi's scent gland. The elder wrapped his arms around his mate and just held him as he rubbed his large hand up and down his back soothing his baby back to sleep. "I love you Mate, more than I could ever put into words."

The last time she showed up was the day before his 18th birthday, the same cop was with her looking bored beyond belief at the frequent stops they'd made at Jimin's house. That Beta had even gone so far as to talk to his school just to try and dig up dirt on them. Dirt they didn't find since both of them were model students. She shoved a piece of paper into his hands, "this is a summons, you must come with me."

"I'm not going anywhere with you, and especially not without my Alpha."

"You are, if you don't Officer Jeon here will arrest you."

The Omega's eyes went to the cop who looked almost sickened by this but nodded his head regardless. Jimin pulled out his phone and sent Yoongi a quick text since the Beta was trying to take it away from him. 7 hours, that's how long it took for him to finally see Yoongi. He'd been locked in a windowless room and questioned until he could barely speak anymore.

"Baby are you okay?" Yoongi burst into the room, "I'm so sorry it took me so long. They wouldn't let me in here. I've been out there screaming for hours. The only reason they let me in here is it's after midnight, they legally can't keep us apart anymore."

"It's my birthday?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with so much hope in his eyes.

"It is, Happy birthday Baby. I love you."

"We are free?"

Yoongi nodded his head before kissing Jimin, "there is absolutely nothing they can do now. Not our parents, not the government. No one can get into our business anymore. We are doing fine on money, our grades are good and as long as we can keep our scholarships, we are untouchable."

Jimin had never been so relieved in his life. Yoongi saved him again, just like he always does. "We are free," Jimin whispered with a smile on his face.

"Let's get out of here," Yoongi lifted Jimin up and onto his feet. His baby didn't deserve to spend his birthday in an OPS holding cell. "We're staying up all night and doing fun stuff. We'll go get snacks and build a fort in the living room like we used to. We'll stay up all night eating sweets and drinking hot chocolate just like when we were kids."

The Omega was so excited, his scent started to sweeten vs the burnt sugar it used to be. "Really, we can do that?"

"Of course we can, whatever you want Jiminie."

Jimin jumped up and down cheering, "we're going to stay up all night, I can't wait."

They wouldn't, Jimin in all the years that Yoongi has known him he's never actually made it all night. But he won't stop his dreams, if he wants to try he will. Just like Yoongi assumed, by 3 am his Omega was passed out on his chest and drooling slightly, "happy birthday Jimin, the day you crashed into my life everything got so much better."

Jimin mumbled something as he tried to scoot closer, the only thing between them was their clothes and those were for sure staying on. Yoongi closed his eyes and fell asleep with Jimin in his arms in their little fort as happy as he could be.

"Jimin," Yoongi sighed, "let's go home. You've been dancing for like 10 hours straight. That's not good for you, have you even eaten today?"

He didn't need to see the look on the youngers face to know that he hadn't. Jimin had been starving himself a lot here lately, much to the Alphas annoyance. "I'm sorry, the showcase is coming up next week. I have to practice and I have to fit in the costume."

"Baby, if you don't eat I will personally sit on you and force food in your mouth."

That got a giggle out of the Omega, "oh you will, will you? And how would that work?"

Yoongi grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the chair he was formerly occupying, he pushed Jimin in it and straddled his lap. Then he reached into his bag and pulled out the lunch box he'd made for the younger. He hand-fed him bite by bite until it was all gone, "that's how it'll work Baby." He licked his own lips before diving in for a kiss needing to feel Jimin's plump ones. "And we should get home, I know a great way to work that food off and it involves you bouncing on my cock and my knot filling you up so full."

Jimin whined, his entire body shaking in delight, "take me home Alpha, right now. I want your knot."

Getting a horny and slightly exhausted Jimin home on the train was not easy, he had to growl a few times at some stupid Alphas that dared looked at his beautiful Omega. As soon as they were in their den, Jimin attacked their clothes. They were naked before they even made it to their nest. Jimin pushed Yoongi down and straddled him, quickly getting Yoongi's cock inside him as deep as he could. "Fuck," they both moaned at the same time.

Yoongi's hands were already on Jimin's hips as he moved him up and down, fucking the Omega on his cock. "Gonna knot you as many times as possible tonight, gonna be so full of cum that when you show up tomorrow everyone thinks I've pupped you. No way you'll fit in that stupidly tight costume, not with my cum inside you."

Jimin whined as he leaked more slick and started to bounce faster, "need that," he breathed out. "Please."

The Alpha flipped them over so he could fuck into Jimin, so he could hit that spot inside him repeatedly and make the Omega see stars as his cum paints their chests. Jimin cried out as his eyes rolled into the back of his head once the knot locked them in place, and then he passed out making Yoongi just a little smug.

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