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"You have to know that this is extremely dangerous. I can put you on suppressants easily since you've had your first rut. But I saw Jimin's birthday and I know he just presented. If he isn't allowed to have his first heat, the chances of him having pups later on drops by 75%."

Jimin let out a little whine, his eyes seeking out Yoongi, "Alpha."

Yoongi wrapped his arms around him and pulled the Omega over to his lap, "don't worry baby, it'll be okay."

The Doctor rolled his stool closer to the two, "this is an awfully big decision to make at such a young age. Are you sure you can't wait a few months and have your first heat at least?"

"No, our parents already filled the Beta registration form. If he shows up at school smelling like an Omega and has to be out for his heat the school will notify our parents and they'll send him away."

"I'd rather never have pups if it means I'll have Yoongi. I never wanted to bring pups into this world as long as my mother was around anyway."

The Doctor looked at Yoongi, "I'm the same. I never wanted them, but if I mated someone who did then I wouldn't stop them. But I don't want my pups around my father."

"You may not want them now, but both of you are pups yourself. You could easily change your mind later on."

The Alpha snorted, "with the parents we have? Doubtful."

"I won't lose Yoongi, no matter what Doctor. Do what you need to do, but we want this."

The Doctor dropped his head down, "I'll do it because I'm afraid if I don't you'll try and find another place that will and those prescriptions aren't regulated or trustworthy. But if I do this, I want to do an exam every six months to make sure that you two are doing okay."

"Deal, we can easily do that. Thank you so much Doctor, you have no idea just how much you are saving us."

After getting the prescription and the instructions on how to take them and what to do, the pair left feeling a little safer.

"I don't like it," Jimin whined and cried as Yoongi handed him the pills.

"I know Baby, but I promise as soon as you take them I'll scent you. You want that right? To smell like your Alpha." Yoongi knew it was the only way to appease his Omega. Jimin hated not having his scent and every morning it was a fight to get him to take the blockers. 

"Fine," he sniffled as he swallowed the pill. As soon as it was down he turned his neck, just waiting on Yoongi. It's been a few months since they started this and everyone was convinced that he was a Beta that just smelled a lot like his brother since they lived together. Everyone chalked it up to Yoongi not being able to control his pheromones. 

"Look, be a good boy like I know you are and we can do something special for my birthday next week."

That perked him up, Jimin smiled softly. "What? Yes please, I want to do something fun with you."

The Alpha hummed a bit, "fun you say. Should I tell you what I have planned or surprise you?"

"Tell me," Jimin giggled as he clapped excitedly on Yoongi's bed.

Yoongi booped the youngers nose softly, "ace that math test and I'll tell you after school."

He whined a bit, just like the elder knew he would. But Jimin agreed nonetheless. Two days later when Yoongi went to pick Jimin up, the younger was waving his math test in the air and he had a massive grin on his face. "Look, I passed. Will you tell me now?" Jimin was bouncing up and down and Yoongi felt his heart flutter a bit.

"Well first I thought we'd go to a trampoline park and run around for a few hours, then when we got hungry we'd go eat some BBQ, after we'd go to the store and get stuff to make a cake. How does that sound?"

Jimin frowned, "Alpha," he whined softly. "It's your birthday, why are we doing things that I love and not things you love."

How was he supposed to explain that seeing the younger happy is what Yoongi loves? That knowing he's the reason for the smile on Jimin's face is enough to make his day meaningful. "Your smile makes me smile," was all he could reply.

That didn't satisfy Jimin, but it was enough for now. The day of Yoongi's birthday he was awoken to soft kisses and the smell of something burning. "Aww did my Baby cook for me?"

Jimin blushed and nodded his head shyly as he ducked down into Yoongi's scent gland. "I tried, I really did."

"Doesn't matter, I'll eat anything you make me." He kissed Jimin's nose and sat up, much to the youngers annoyance. So he shuffled him around until Jimin was in Yoongi's lap. Making the younger purr in happiness. "As much as I love our morning cuddles, if you want me to eat what you made, we should go downstairs."

"Fine," the Omega huffed, "but I want cuddles after."

Yoongi snorted, "it's my birthday and you are making demands?"

"Do you not want cuddles? If you don't, I can go snuggle my chickie in my nest," they both knew that wasn't an option. And once Yoongi started to softly growl Jimin got up with a smug look on his face, "just like I thought."

"Such a menace I swear," he scoffed. But Yoongi loved his Omega, so so much. So he'd deal with anything he deems to give him. "So what did you attempt to make me?"

"Pancakes," he clapped.

Yoongi really wanted to eat literally anything else, Jimin is a notorious disaster in the kitchen. This is well-known, but he's especially bad at pancakes. Yoongi looked at the charred non-circles and smiled, "looks great Baby, thank you." He ate every single last bite that Jimin put on his plate, he even made Jimin some decent pancakes so his Omega wouldn't be hungry all day.

"Alright, go shower and get ready. Wear something that you feel comfortable jumping around in for a few hours."

Jimin nodded his head quickly, "are you sure you want to do this? I know your life's dream is to be a rock."

"I'll be fine, I'm turning 18, not 81. I can handle jumping around with you at a trampoline park for a few hours." Turns out that was an absolute lie. Jimin has endless amounts of energy, he bounced around the entire building never stopping to let the elder breathe. Yoongi decided to fall into the ball pit and hide in there just for a chance to stop for a second.

"I know what you are doing," the singsong voice sang from above the Alpha.

"Don't care," Yoongi gruffed back.

Jimin giggled and yelled cannonball right before he jumped into the ball pit, right on top of his Alpha. "You caught me," he said with so much love in his eyes.

"I did, I'll always catch you."

Jimin leaned forward and kissed Yoongi on the cheek, "are you hungry yet?"

Thank fuck, Yoongi nodded his head quickly, "very, want to go eat now?" When they got to the restaurant Yoongi ordered all of Jimin's favorites, making the Omega pout and clap in happiness all at the same time.

He was watching Jimin eat because every time he took a bite he'd wiggle in happiness and hum a bit. "Aren't you going to eat?"

Yoongi shrugged, "watching you eat makes me full."

Jimin frowned, "well seeing you not eat makes me sad and not want to eat. So if seeing me eat makes you full then you better eat yourself otherwise we'll both starve."

"My bossy Baby, fine, I'll eat." He leaned forward a bit and opened his mouth. He feeds Jimin all the time, but Jimin has never fed him. But after a few blinks from the Omega, he scooped up some food and quickly fed it to Yoongi whispering your bossy baby.

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