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Yoongi didn't stop his torment on his mate the entire ride home. His pheromones were enough to make the Omega wet, but add in that his hand kept creeping up his thigh and squeezing as he went. Jimin was a little obsessed with his hands and he used that to his full advantage at that moment. "I'm going to cut your dick off when we get home," Jimin hissed.

"Why, did you want to use it for a toy? So you can have it all of the time when I'm not there."

He didn't even answer him, he just scoffed and turned away from Yoongi so he could look out the window. The Alpha reached over, palming the back of Jimin's neck. The younger went limp immediately in the scruff, his body utterly pliant as his eyes were bright blue. "Alpha," he whined so softly that if Yoongi wasn't hyper focused he wouldn't have heard it.

"Be good for your Alpha, you used to tell me all the time that you were a good boy. Is that still true?" Jimin nodded his head quickly as he whimpered softly. "That's my good Baby, such a good Omega for me."

He kept the hold on Jimin the entire time to keep him from freaking out about how wet he was. Because the entire bus was filled with his scent, the scent of a very horny Omega. When they got off the bus, Yoongi had to pick him up and carry him. But he didn't care. It was his fault that Jimin was in this condition.

When they got home, there was a cop standing in front of their door knocking on it. He recognized the officer, it was the one that always came with that OPS lady. Officer Jeon he believed was his name. "What are you doing here? Jimin is of age, hell he'll be 19 this year."

The cop whipped around, in his arms was a pup, a little girl based on the pink bow on the top of her head. "Sorry, I have some bad news."

"And bad news requires a pup these days? Was it take your daughter to work day or something?"

Jimin was starting to stir in Yoongi's arms, his nose going up in the air as he whipped around and looked at the pup. "Yoongi, pup," he whispered. 

The pup looked at them, reaching out her chubby little fists. It made Jimin squirm to try and get down from his Alpha's hold. "I know Baby, hold on a second. You can't just go running to other people's pups."

The pup started to cry as she squirmed to get to Jimin, "my pup," he hissed as he tried his hardest to get out of the tight hold Yoongi had on him.

"What's going on," Yoongi asked to no one in particular. 

"Well this makes my job so much easier," Officer Jeon stated, "can we go inside please? I have a lot to tell you."

They made their way inside, but barely. The Omega wanted the pup in his arms and the pup wanted the Omega. "State your business," Yoongi grumbled, not sure how much longer he could keep Jimin back.

"Your parents are dead, this is your little sister. There is no family on record other than you two. If you don't take her in, she'll go into the system."

Jimin hissed again, before he forcefully pushed Yoongi away and ran towards the pup. He took her from the officer and ran to their nest. Both Jeon and Yoongi just watched them. "Shit," was all Yoongi said before he fell onto the couch.

"Well," Jeon said slowly as he ruffled his hair, "it looks like your Omega isn't going to give her up. I hope you are ready for a family?"

"We found out not that long ago that we can't have pups, he didn't take it well. Now there's a pup that smells like milk, the last ingredient of his favorite hot chocolate. Of course she's ours now, even if I wasn't ready, he is and I'd never do anything to upset him."

"You really are a good Alpha. I'm sorry about all the times I had to come with that horrible woman. You never deserved that, she was friends with your parents. That's why she kept coming back. It should have been case closed after the second visit."

"It's not your fault," his eyes were on his Omega and new pup. They were both purring and cuddling in the nest. Completely content and ignoring the outside world. "What do we need to do to keep her?"

"Well you have to come down to the station and fill out some paperwork. But I'm not actually supposed to leave her with you guys tonight. We have to take her back," he couldn't even finish the rest before Jimin was growling, his blue eyes bright as his Omega was taking control. "But I'm not a rookie and I know better than to take a pup from their Omega parent. So she can stay here, you'll just need to bring her down to the station tomorrow and make it official."

"We can do that, as soon as we get up tomorrow we'll be there." Yoongi stood up, wanting the other man out of his den. He was fairly sure the cop was another Alpha, despite the scent blockers he always wore, there was just something so Alpha about him. Before the cop left, he pulled the door almost shut behind him, "how did they die?"

"Car accident, she only survived because of the car seat."

"Good riddance, they were shit parents anyway. They were the neglectful ones, not me. I've raised Jimin since the day our parents dropped him off at our house. Half-starved, dirty and in clothes that were somehow too big and too small all at once. They never cared about us and I can't imagine how miserable her life would have been. She'll grow up with two parents that love her and would do anything for her now."

The cop clapped Yoongi on the shoulder, "you are a good Alpha, anyone with untainted eyes can see that."

"What's her name?"

"Asa, Min Asa. She's three months old today."

When Jeon left Yoongi turned around, Jimin was nuzzling the baby as he purred so happily. "Our Asa, our perfect little pup," he cooed over and over.

"Are you happy Baby?" Yoongi asked as he pet Jimin's hair so softly.

"We have a pup Alpha, our own pup." He reached for Yoongi's hand, pulling him down into the nest with them. "I'm so happy Alpha. I didn't think this day could get any better, but it did."

"I thought you were okay with not having a pup?"

"I was," he sighed out. "I promise I was, it's just when I saw her. When her eyes that look so much like yours looked at me, something in me broke. My Omega called to her and she answered. She's my pup Yoongi, she may not have come from me, but she's mine in every way that counts."

"I get it, I'm not quite there yet, but I understand."

"We can keep her right? You won't take my pup from me?"

Yoongi scooted closer, wrapping his arms around both of them. "I'd hope you know me better than that," he frowned. "All I've ever wanted was your happiness. I know I'll love her as much as you, once it sets in that she's officially ours and no one can take her from us."

Jimin growled a bit, "I'll bite off anyone's head that tries."

"I know you will, my fierce little Omega would do anything to protect his pup."

They fell asleep, the three of them curled up in the nest. Asa's milk scent mixing perfectly with their chocolate and marshmallow scents. Yoongi has spent the majority of his mating with Jimin with the Omega passed out on top of him. And he's fine with that, but now with little Asa here, he found it harder to fall asleep. That was until Asa crawled out of Jimin's arms and on top of Yoongi.

That was what he needed, that weight on top of him. Maybe being a Dad wouldn't be so bad.

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