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There was a knock at his door, he spun around in his chair and smiled at Jimin. "My appointment is tomorrow, are you still going with me?"

"Of course I am Baby, you know I wouldn't let you go alone. We'll head over right after school and then after we'll grab food and go to work."

"Can I sleep in here tonight?"

Yoongi opened his arms, "of course you can. Want to cuddle for a bit while I finish up some stuff on the computer?"

That was all the prompting that Jimin needed, he practically ran into Yoongi's arms and launched himself onto the Alpha's lap. He straddled the elder and wrapped his legs and arms around him. This is where he felt safest and Yoongi has long ago gotten used to it. Once Jimin started purring, Yoongi got back to work applying for any scholarships he could find. 

"You sure you still want to go far away from here?"Jimin didn't answer, he just nodded his head against Yoongi's neck. "Baby are you sure?"

The Omega sighed as he sat back, his small hands still on Yoongi's broad shoulders. "I'm sure. I want to be so far away that they can't just stop in. I want to feel safe."

The Doctor walked into the room, "so what is this I hear about my favorite patients leaving me?" Yoongi explained that he was going away for college and Jimin was coming with him. The Doctor smiled like that was the best news he'd heard all year. "Does that mean our lovely Jiminah is going to be able to have his scent back and finally start his heats?"

Jimin squeaked, his eyes darting between the Doctor and Yoongi and the floor. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he whispered as he shook his head quickly.

"Yoongi if you could give us a second, so we can talk Omega to Omega. You can wait out in the hall."

The scent that was coming off of the Alpha was damn near suffocating, but he saw the scared look on Jimin's face. "I'll be in the hallway, if you need me just yell and I'll crash in here. Screw what anyone says," the last part was directed towards the Doctor.

As soon as Yoongi closed the door the Doctor rolled a little closer on his stool. "Jiminah, talk to me. What's going on?"

"I don't want my heats," he whispered.

"Jimin," he sighed, "you need to have at least one heat. Your Omega needs it, why don't you want them? You'll be away from your parents and safe."

"Yoongi," he sniffled.

"I don't understand."

"I don't want them because of Yoongi."

The Doctor jolted, "has he hurt you? Do you need protection from him?"

Jimin shook his head quickly, "no Yoongi is perfect. I'm just scared."

"Heats are scary, I understand that, trust me. But you have an Alpha, an Alpha that is willing to do anything."

"That's the problem though, he'll help me and I'm, he can't."

With a cock to the head, "you are a fully presented Omega and he's a fully presented Alpha. You two intend to be mates, I'm not sure I'm understanding. Are you wanting to wait until you are 18?"

"It's," his eyes darted all over. "What if he doesn't want to help me? We've never even kissed and he'll be pressured into helping me with my heat. What if he doesn't want that but his Alpha forces him to. I don't think he likes me like that, I'm his little brother. He's my Alpha, and he says we'll mate but I think he says that because he wants to protect me more than he wants to actually be my mate."

Tears were falling down the little Omega's face, "oh Jimin, you don't see the way he looks at you. Yoongi loves you, it's not just his Alpha."

"How do you know?"

The poor Omega looked so scared, so lost. "Talk to him, tonight because I want you to start having your heats. I'm worried about your Omega, he's never allowed to smell his own scent unless you are having extreme emotions and he's never had a heat. You could lose him forever Jimin if we aren't careful. This is the perfect opportunity."

There was a soft knock on the door, "can I please come back in? My Alpha isn't taking this well."

With a small nod from Jimin the Doctor let him back in, "I want you two to discuss what we talked about Jimin and come see me next week to let me know the gameplan."

"Of course Doctor, I'll bring him." As soon as they left Yoongi grabbed them some food to eat and then they headed over to work. He was distracted the entire time since Jimin looked so sad. He just sat at the table and stared into space. He didn't clap or smile at Yoongi, even when the elder played his favorite song. It was heartbreaking and Yoongi had no idea what was going on.

"Stay with me, please," Jimin whispered as he held onto the back of Yoongi's shirt like it was a lifeline.

With his arms wrapped around Jimin and his nose in his hair, "are you going to talk to me?"

"I'm scared Yoongi. I'm scared of what we are and that what I feel isn't what you feel."

How could he even think that? He's loved him for as long as he can remember. "And how do you feel?"

"Yoongi I love you, and I want to be your Omega." He sniffed a bit, "I am your Omega, I'm just worried that you don't want to be my Alpha that you feel like you have to be. I don't want to trap you, I want you to want me as much as I want you."

Yoongi jolted a bit, he wants him? Like actually wants him? "Baby, I've been in love with you since that first night you slept in my bed all tiny and scared." He rolled them over so he was hovering above Jimin, "you couldn't trap me if I made the damn trap myself. I've been holding myself back because I didn't think you felt the same way and because you are so young."

"That's, you want me that way?" Jimin looked shocked, like it never crossed his mind that Yoongi would want him.

"You silly little Omega, of course I do. I'm an Alpha male and a teenager, why do you think I spend so much time in the shower and have a lock on my door?"

"I thought you just didn't want me sleeping in there anymore," Jimin pouted.

Yoongi snorted, "I was scared of you sleeping in there with me, not that I didn't want you to. You straddle me Jimin, you are always in my lap. Do you know how hard that is?"

"I can stop."

"Don't you dare, so can we talk about the Doctors, please?"

"He wants me to have my heats, but I was scared I'd want your help and you'd feel forced to help me."

"I'm more worried about your age than anything, you turn 17 next week, but that still seems young to me."

Jimin sighed, "it is, I don't think I'm honestly ready for that. But I know that my Omega needs to have a heat and I don't know what to do."

"There are toys, or maybe scenting will help. I know that during my first rut I wasn't sex crazed as long as I could smell you."

"When you stole my blanket and growled at me anytime I tried to leave the house that one weekend?"

"Yup," Yoongi grinned. 

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