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"And I've been in love with you for practically half of my life. We live together, we are going to get mated. I'm your Omega, right?"

"You know you are."

Jimin stepped forward, kneeling in front of Yoongi, "then why won't you let me do the one thing I'm meant to do?"

Yoongi pulled Jimin up and settled him on his lap, "Baby, you aren't meant to do anything."

"But Omegas are meant to please their Alphas and I."

"Shh," Yoongi interrupted with his finger on Jimin's plump lips. "You are so much more than that to me Jimin. You are my future mate, potentially the father of my pups at some point, I love you. You aren't meant to please me, you are meant to do what you want to do because you feel like it, not because society tells you that's the way it's supposed to be."

"But I do want you Yoongi, I don't know what more I have to do to convince you of that." He ran his hand down the Alpha's chest, "let me help you, you don't have to touch me. But let me touch you."

He couldn't resist it anymore, Jimin was too tempting. "Do what you want, I'm too weak to stop you anymore."

The scent that burst out of Jimin was enough to make Yoongi weak at the knees. If he hadn't already been sitting down he would have fallen down for sure. Jimin slid back a bit on the Alpha's lap, "I don't know what I'm doing exactly, but I'm going to do what feels good for me. Can you close your eyes?"

The Alpha's eyes slid closed, he wasn't sure why the Omega wanted him to do it. But it was such a simple request that he couldn't resist. When Jimin's small hand first touched his cock it was slicked up a bit, he took in a deep breath and smelled it. That's why Jimin wanted him to close his eyes, he used his slick as lube to make the glide on Yoongi's cock smoother. He growled as he reached out and gripped Jimin's hips. "Fuck Baby."

"Feels good?" Jimin asked a little breathy and unsure.

"So good." He knew he wouldn't last long. Not with Jimin's slick on his cock and his delicious scent filling the air.

Jimin moved his wrist quickly up and down, twisting at the head. He wanted Yoongi to cum, not only did he need it to add to the perfume, but he wanted more with the Alpha and the only way to do that was to prove that he was ready. "Are you going to knot my hand Alpha?"

His entire body jolted, he moaned loudly and with no warning at all to the Omega on his lap, he came. His cum spurted out of him in long white ropes, landing on the wide-eyed boy on his lap. Some of it landed on his neck, so close to his scent gland. His Alpha took over, he reached out his thumb rubbing his cum into Jimin, mixing their scents together in the most heady way.

"I get it now," he whispered. Having his cum scent on Jimin was amazing, it calmed his Alpha like nothing else ever has. "I'll wear the perfume with no complaints, I promise you."

Jimin was so fucking happy, he finally got to touch Yoongi and it was amazing. The only thing that could make it better was if Yoongi touched him. But he knew that the Alpha wasn't ready for that, he'd need to be pushed a little. But Jimin wanted to do something before his heat hit, he wanted to remember the first time Yoongi touched him.

It took a few weeks, but he finally mucked up enough courage to try and seduce the Alpha. He was getting closer to his pre-heat and he wanted Yoongi, he knew that they wouldn't have sex but he wanted to be touched by him. Their daily makeout sessions were only fueling that fire and need within him. 

So he researched, he Googled how to seduce your Alpha. He watched Omega/Alpha porn to learn techniques on how to pleasure him and when he was done. He was ready for battle, he was going to seduce his Alpha whether said Alpha wanted that or not. Jimin frowned, that sounded bad. He didn't want to force Yoongi, he just wanted to give him a little push.

The Alpha wanted him, he knew that. He was just too good of an intended to ever put his wants into the situation. So he waited, he knew what Yoongi would do when he got home because it's the same thing he does every time he comes home. He finds Jimin wherever he's at, gives him the sweetest kiss and then the Omega scrunches up his nose and pushes the Alpha towards the shower.

Jimin waited, he needed to wait long enough for Yoongi to be naked and fully in the shower. If he was touching himself even better. The Omega ran to their room and stripped down, he took a few minutes to get himself worked up, he'd need the help of his slick. Hopefully he can sneak into the shower with the Alpha without being smelled.

Yoongi had his head leaning back as he was rising the shampoo from his hair. His back was to Jimin and it was perfect. He stepped in, wrapping his arms around the Alpha before sliding them down and gripping his cock. "Jimin," he groaned as he leaned back into the Omega's body. "What, oh fuck," he grunted as the Omega squeezed where his knot would be.

"Alpha, please let me."

"A-Are you sure?" He stuttered as the Omega started to move his fist. "Fuck, it feels so good."

Jimin giggled as he nuzzled into his Alpha's scent gland and left a few gentle bites there. "So sure, turn around. I want to try something."

Yoongi didn't even get a chance to respond before Jimin was on his knees in front of the Alpha and his tongue was licking the underside of his cock. The Alpha tried his hardest not to fist his Omega's hair, but he was failing. What he was feeling was something he'd imagined a million times over before but never thought he'd experience. "Fuck Jimin," he grunted while trying to keep his hips still.

His mouth was wide open in pleasure and Jimin smirked with the cock still in his mouth. He hoped this worked, he saw several Omegas do this in the pornos and it always drove the Alphas crazy. He reached behind him and scooped up some of his slick with two fingers and then he reached up and placed his fingers on top of the Alphas tongue.

A low growl started as his hips began to move, his tongue wrapped around Jimin's fingers and his lips closed to keep that delicious taste in his mouth. When he had sucked it all away he wanted to cry, he wanted more of that, needed more of that. "Jimin," he practically whined.

The Omega popped the cock out of his mouth, "come on Alpha, I want to try something." He knew that his blow job was uncoordinated and sloppy. He probably didn't cover his teeth enough and lord knows he gagged about fifty times in the three minutes he was sucking the cock. But he wanted to make Yoongi feel good.

He pushed Yoongi onto the bed, staring at his naked body in awe. The Alpha started to get shy, turning red and covering up his private parts from the Omega's sight. "Don't hide from me, please."

"How are you so fucking calm right now? Like I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and I might die. You are standing in front of me, we are both completely naked and you had my cock in your mouth." He groaned as he covered his face, completely forgetting about his hard cock that was bobbing and leaking. "Fuck I tasted your slick Jimin."

He giggled a bit before climbing onto the bed, "I'm not calm, I'm very nervous. I just know how much I want you. I'm not ready for sex yet Yoongi and frankly, I don't think you are either. But I am ready for more, with you."

My Baby, My OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now