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Jimin let it go on for a bit but after Yoongi slept through the three alarms several days in a row he had had enough. He made his Alpha lunch, it was just a sandwich but he was trying. He kissed him goodbye at the butt crack of dawn and waited. If Yoongi goes to class and then the library like he says, then great. But if he's lying like Jimin suspects, then his Alpha has some explaining to do. 

So when it was time, he got on the bus and made his way to Yoongi's college. A college he'll go to here soon. He'd only been here a few times, but it was still just as beautiful as he remembered. Once he got to campus, he got lost a few times but he didn't care. Just being out around people was so nice. He felt safe with his Alpah's scent and mark on him. A few Alphas leered at him, but they didn't say anything. 

The library was massive and it took him nearly an hour to look in every nook and cranny just to make sure that Yoongi wasn't in there. He huffed as he pulled out his phone, "hello, is everything okay? You don't usually call me during the day, what's wrong Baby?"

Jimin giggled a bit at the Alpha's rambling, "calm down. I was just going to ask if you were going to be home soon and if so could you grab milk on the way. If not, I'll go get some."

"Oh," Jimin could hear his Alpha sigh. "I'm not sure Baby. I have so much work to finish. I have like 3 more papers and 2 tests to finish studying for."

"So you are still at the library?"

"Of course, I got a study room like always. Baby, I have to go, I'll wake you up when I get home okay? I love you."

"Love you too Alpha," he whispered as tears fell down his face. He made one last attempt to find him in the study rooms, but he wasn't there. He knew that Yoongi wasn't cheating, he just didn't know exactly what the Alpha was doing. The trip home was long as he sniffled trying not to bawl like a baby. He didn't want his scent to alert everyone around him.

He didn't know what to do, so he worked. He answered calls and puttered around the house cleaning it just waiting for Yoongi to get home. He knew he wasn't controlling his scent well, not in his own safe spot. So when Yoongi opened the door at 2 am, the Alpha was hit in the face with burnt sugar making him frown. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"How was the library?"

Yoongi cocked his head to the side a bit, "it was fine. Quiet, I got a lot done. Why?"

"Do you not love me anymore?"

The Alpha jolted as he rushed towards his Omega, "what, why would you even think that? I love you more than I could ever begin to express."

"Then why are you lying to me?" Jimin sobbed, his entire body was shaking as tears coated his cheeks. His bottom lip was wobbling so hard and it was crushing Yoongi's soul.

Burnt Sugar and moldy chocolate, those were the scents that were filling up their small apartment. "How do you know?" He whispered, so afraid of the answer. Afraid of disappointing his Omega like he's disappointed everyone in his life. But he couldn't fail Jimin, Jimin was the one thing that drives him to be better, want better.

"I was there," Jimin screamed. "I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. So I went to the library today. I was there when I called you, when you told me that you were there. But you weren't, you lied to me. Why did you lie?"

Yoongi was broken, probably more broken than his Omega was at the moment. But he can't be, he's the Alpha he's the one that's older and he's supposed to be strong. "I'm sorry," his voice cracked, so much he couldn't even say more. 

"That doesn't answer my question, we are partners Yoongi. You are my mate. If there's a problem we can fix it together. You don't have to shoulder this alone, so why are you?"

What could he even say to that? Well you see I've been taking care of you since the day you showed up on my doorstep, all tiny and dirty, starving to death. But now I'm freaking out because our parents cut us off and I don't know if we'll survive if I don't bring home enough money and I'll sell myself on a street corner before I let you go hungry or without other necessities. But he can't say that, "I don't know."

He broke down as he fell to his knees sobbing. Jimin fell with him, "talk to me Yoongi, please. I know I'm just an Omega and still a child, but I'm yours and you are mine."

"Our parents don't send us money anymore and I've been working my ass off at the radio station picking up as many shifts as possible so we have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. But I'm scared it's not enough and I'm not doing great in school because I'm so focused on work and I don't know what to do."

Jimin figured money was the issue of everything, all of his stress and sleepless nights and dark circles under his eyes. "Can I help?" He knew that Yoongi would refuse, but he had to try. He had to make him see that he was a partner, not a dependant.

"No Baby, I want and need you to focus on school. That's all that matters to me right now, once you graduate and get a scholarship it'll get easier."

The Omega frowned and sighed before he got up and patted his Alpha on the head. He walked over to the closet and grabbed the duffle bag, he dropped it in front of the kneeling Alpha and then he went to his dresser and grabbed the diploma. He handed it to Yoongi, he just got it in the mail yesterday. He passed, and he was now a high school graduate.

"What is all this?"

"I graduated, here is my diploma."

"When?" Yoongi's eyes were wide, he was in shock, when did Jimin have time to do this? He should still have a few more months of school.

"Not even a week ago," he pushed the duffle bag closer, "open this. But don't freak out."

That was probably the last thing he should have said, because as soon as he said not to freak out, Yoongi's scent did exactly that. The Alpha reached forward and unzipped the bag, he gasped. "Where did you get all this money?"

"I earned it, at my job."

Yoongi's cat eyes squinted a bit as he eyebrows scrunched up a bit, "what job?"

Jimin blushed a bit, "I couldn't work being underage and an Omega without your permission, so I lied and said that I was a Beta and in my 20's."

"You did what?" Yoongi yelled as he jumped up, he was pacing as he pulled at his hair. "Do you know how dangerous that is? Someone could have smelled you, what about your heats? Jimin I wouldn't be able to live if something happened to you. You are my entire world."

Jimin knew he wasn't going to ranting so he did the only thing he could do to stop him. He kissed him, a small breath of air left Yoongi and blew onto Jimin's lips. But he stopped his monologue. "I work from home Alpha. I've always been safe, I just answer phones. I would never do something that would cause you distress. Unlike you," he grumbled the last part with a pout on his lips.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I really am. I promise to always be upfront with you. I'll no longer keep things bottled up."

"You better, now I don't have a bank account so I couldn't deposit this. But it's enough to pay the rent for the next few months. So could you, maybe cut back on your hours a bit? I miss you and your knot."

"Yah," Yoongi chuckled as he blushed all the way to his ears.

My Baby, My OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now