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They had nothing for a baby, but Yoongi ran to the convenience store he works at in the summer and on weekends when they need extra money. He spent way more than he should have, but he got diapers, wipes, a can of formula, and a bottle. The rest would have to wait. 

Jimin was a natural, he took to being a Dad like he was made for it. And technically he was, but so were their parents and Lord knows they were the worst. Some people just shouldn't procreate. They got her changed and fed before they made their way to the station to sign the paperwork needed to keep her as theirs forever.

Sitting in front of Jeon holding a pup and signing paperwork making her legally theirs was so surreal to Jimin. He never thought he'd have this, a pup in his arms. She looks just like them, not surprising since Jimin looks just like his mom and Yoongi looks just like his dad. Asa is the perfect mixture of the two, which means that no one will ever know she isn't biologically theirs.

"They didn't leave a lot of assets. They sold the house around the time you two moved out and they've been living in a hotel or staying at the hospital ever since. When Asa was a week old your mother went back to work leaving her at the daycare at the hospital. Sometimes leaving her there for up to three days before coming back to get her. She's underweight and hasn't been to see an actual Doctor since she was born."

Jimin couldn't listen to it anymore, he stood up abruptly, "is there anything else I need to sign?" Jeon shook his head no and that was all Jimin needed to hear, "then anything else you need to say you can tell my Alpha. I can't, I can't hear about how they neglected her. Yoongi will tell me anything I need to know." And then he was gone.

Asa pulled her head back from his shoulder where she was resting, her eyes, so much like Yoongi's in their cat like appearance. "You have your Dada's eyes you know?" She smiled, her little gums on full display making Jimin giggle at her, "you have his smile too. I wonder if you'll have his tiny teeth as well." The sweet pup rubbed her face into Jimin's scent gland as she cooed sweetly. 

"But you have Daddy's nose, a cute little button nose that's just perfect. We promise to always love you. We promise to put you first, to be there for every milestone you have. We'll cheer for you, we'll cry with you. We will be the best parents we can be for you. Because Daddy loves you so much. Dada will get there, he's just scared. Give him time and you'll see. He's the best Alpha around."

Yoongi was trying hard not to cry, hearing what Jimin was saying was a lot. He had to crack a joke, something to ensure the tears didn't fall. "Oh so you are Daddy and I'm Dada? Gotta say I sorta looking forward to you calling me Daddy over and over."

The Omega whipped around glaring at his Alpha as he covered their pups ears, "don't turn this dirty you dick."

He held his hands up in the air, "okay okay. Let's head to the store, we have a lot of things to buy for our pup."

"How are we going to afford this?"

That was the million dollar question now wasn't it? Their parents left behind some money, but it seemed like Jimin's mom had a spending problem, not really surprising all things considered. But what was surprising was, they actually had life insurance policies. They wouldn't see the money from them for a long time, but eventually they would. For now, they'd do what they could. "We'll only get what we absolutely have to get. She doesn't need a car seat since we take the bus or walk everywhere. But we can get her a stroller," Jimin shook his head quickly, holding her tighter to his chest, "or not."

"When she's older, sure, but she's too little. I don't want her that far away from me."

"Baby, you'll get tired carrying her everywhere."

With another shake of his head, Yoongi knew he'd lost. "They have baby wraps, I'll be fine. I-Yoongi my Omega needs this, needs her close to know she's safe and so she knows she's loved."

He walked over to his mate and new pup, no it wasn't instant like it was with Jimin. But he loves her and he'll be the best Dada he could ever be. "She'll know, I promise you. And we'll get you a cute wrap, the next question is, what do we do with her while we are in school?"

The scent coming from Jimin was annoyance, worry and a bit bristly. "I can take her with me," he mumbled.

"To dance and music, maybe. Professor Kim and Coach Jung are chill. But what about your statistics class? Isn't Professor Wang a hardass?"

"There are only a few weeks until the semester is over, I can take a break if need be. Or go to school online instead."

They'd need his scholarship to survive, even more with Asa and all the things babies need. "Jimin, we have to think realistically. We don't have a lot of money, I can go back to working if that's what you want?"

The Omega deflated a bit, "no, that's not what I want. I want you with us, there's a daycare on campus. Maybe we can enroll her there, she would only be there when both of us are in class."

"Of course Baby, we'd never leave her there more than absolutely necessary."

"Promise me Yoongi, even if I'm in class you'll go get her. We'll get her for lunch every day, I don't want her thinking we are like them."

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin, kissing the side of his head and the top of Asa's. "I promise."

Picking out things for Asa was actually a little more fun than Yoongi originally thought it would be. They couldn't go overboard, but they bought her a weeks worth of clothes. A blanket, two more bottles, a couple toys and a few other necessary items. Dragging it all home on the train was difficult, but the Alpha managed. Jimin had Asa wrapped against his chest as he sang her to sleep.

"You guys have such a beautiful pup, how old is she?"

Yoongi looked up from his mate and pup to the older Alpha that was sitting across from them, "she just turned three months and thank you. She is our pride and joy," and he realized in that moment that it was true. He loved the pup, it finally clicked that he loved her and he wasn't just doing all of this to make Jimin happy.

The Omega looked at him, it was like he knew. Yoongi gave him a soft kiss, the dirty little boy that stood in front of him all of those years ago, turned into the sweetest man he could have ever mated. "I love you," Yoongi whispered against his lips. 

"And I love you too Alpha," Jimin whispered back just as softly.

Life with a pup wasn't easy, juggling their schedules, the added expenses, and the overall stress that comes with pups was a lot. But they managed, they may have passed out in an exhausted pile in their nest every night but they were doing their best. Jimin brought her to as many classes as he could. At the dance studio, Coach Jung bought a little bouncer for her to sit in while class was going on. Or he'd hold her.

Sometimes Tae would sneak in and cuddle with her if she was getting fussy. It was like the Beta just knew and he'd walk in at the perfect moment. Asa loved Professor Kim and every time he sang she'd be in a trance looking at him. It always made Jimin giggle because she never got that way with him.

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