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It was a long 4 hours before their parents came back, they checked Jimin's temp and it was still normal. They wished the two good night and said they'd check again tomorrow. Yoongi was kicking himself, he should have checked Jimin's temp yesterday before he left. It's not completely unheard of to present a day early, not common but it can happen.

"I'm sorry I failed you," Yoongi whispered into Jimin's hair. They haven't left their spot on the couch since the parents came home.

Jimin looked up, his big blue eyes filled with tears. "You failed me?"

"I should have checked on you before I left for my piano lesson yesterday. If I would have known that you were presenting, I never would have left you."

The Omega reached up and palmed his Alpha's cheek, "I didn't let you know. I purposely stayed in my room away from you. I was so scared, scared I wasn't going to be an Omega, but also scared that I was."

"But I thought you always wanted to be an Omega?"

Jimin sighed, "I did, and I'm still thankful, it's just.."

"It's just what?" Yoongi was freaking out, his Alpha was freaking out and he didn't know how to fix it.

A soft sob left Jimin's lips as he shoved his face into Yoongi's neck. "I wanted to be an Omega because I wanted an Alpha of my own."

"Bab, Jimin why is that a problem?"

"I like when you call me Baby, that's the problem."

Yoongi's heart skipped a beat, there was no way. There's no way that Jimin feels the same way he does. "I like calling you Baby too, because you are." There was no going back now, time to lay it all out there. "Jimin I'm in love with you, my Alpha is in love with you. It didn't matter what you presented as, you've always been mine."

He heard it, it was very faint. Jimin was purring, "I love you too Alpha. You are everything I've ever wanted. But what are we going to do? They'll never let us be together, what if people find out I'm an Omega?"

His arms wrapped around Jimin harder, trying his best to calm down the hysterical Omega. "I'll fix this, I have a plan. I'll take care of you." He picked Jimin up and carried him to his room, the Omega would need the comfort of his nest. "I'll see you in the morning, okay Baby?"

Jimin reached out grabbing the sleeve of Yoongi's shirt, "stay, please. I, my Omega feels like he's being rejected by his Alpha because you are leaving."

Yoongi crawled into the nest, holding onto Jimin tightly. "I can't stay all night. While I don't think they'll come into our rooms. We can't risk it, we also have to take down some of this nest. We can't let them see it. I'm so sorry Baby, but we have to."

"I know," the Omega sighed as he reached out petting the soft fabrics of the nest surrounding them. "I trust you."

Yoongi woke up at 5 am, their parents should be waking up soon so he has to hurry. He pulled the nest apart, leaving the shirt he slept in close to Jimin's nose as well as his blankie and stuffed chick from his childhood. It was all he could do at the moment and he made his way back to his room. Once his parents leave, he's going to have to take Jimin to the Doctor. Getting him on suppressants and scent blockers is the only way to hide this until they can leave.

When his parents woke up they made sure to make the most amount of noise possible to ensure that Jimin woke up. Because presenting wasn't hard enough on the body, let's have the poor pup lose sleep as well. Jimin stumbled into the kitchen, his little fist rubbing his eye. His hair was all over the place and Yoongi wanted to coo and kiss his forehead. But he couldn't, they were there. 

Once Jimin's temperature was taken and it was deemed that his presentation was going to be Beta since he was showing no signs at all of the other two. They left making Yoongi able to breathe for the first time since they arrived yesterday. "Happy belated birthday Baby, I had plans for us. But I think some of them are going to have to be put off until later. We have to do something and I'm afraid that you might not like it."

Curious blue eyes found Yoongi, his little head cocked to the side and his blonde hair still all over the place. "Well now I'm curious." Yoongi sighed, sitting down on the couch and pulling Jimin down with him. He reached up, trying to tame the wild mess of bedhead. But it was no use, "you're stalling."

"I figured out a way that we can hide your status. I want you to go on suppressants to stop your heats, I'll go on them too so I don't have ruts. I'm afraid that my rut will trigger yours regardless if you are on them or not and we can't risk that."

"That's not too bad, I can handle that."

"That's not all though," the next part is going to be the worst part. Because scents are everything to wolves, even more to Alphas and Omegas. To take Jimin's scent away as soon as he got it, could make his Omega extremely upset. "I want you to go on scent blockers, at least while you are at school. I'll still scent you so you have a scent. Plus if we are being honest, people are probably used to you smelling like me anyway, if we stopped it would be obvious."

"I'll lose my scent?" His voice was so soft and it made Yoongi was to cry for upsetting him.

"Just during school hours, when you are home it can come out. It compliments mine enough that I think we can get away with it at home since they are Betas."

Jimin looked determined, "if we do this, can we be together?"

The Alphas heart fluttered a bit, "we'd be together regardless Baby. But this will make it easier, this way we can stay here until we graduate. Once we go away to college we'll never look back." That's all Jimin needed to hear, he purred a bit as he snuggled into Yoongi more.

Getting Jimin to the Dr wasn't easy. Neither of them were adults and Yoongi wasn't exactly his guardian. "Jimin, they are ready to see you." Both Yoongi and Jimin looked up at the nice Beta nurse and followed her to the Doctor. "He'll be in in a few minutes. Go ahead and have a seat you two."

"I'm scared," Jimin whispered.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around him, pulling him closer to his scent gland. "Don't worry, I'm here no matter what."

About five minutes later an Omega Doctor walked in with a bright smile on their face, "Hello, and what can I do for you two today?" He sat down on his rolling stool, just waiting for one of them to speak.

"We are here to get on suppressants, and to get scent blockers for Jimin."

A look of shock crossed the Doctor's face, but he quickly masked it. "You two are awfully young to need suppressants. Is there a particular reason for it and scent blockers?"

Yoongi sighed, "as you can tell, I'm an Alpha and he's an Omega. We are stepbrothers and our parents are Betas. If they find out that Jimin is an Omega they are going to send him away to a military camp. I can't let that happen."

The Doctor sighed, "I can't give those kind of prescriptions without a guardian present."

"But," Yoongi started to argue but Jimin placed a hand on his thigh.

"Yoongi is my guardian, he's my Alpha. Please don't separate us, without him I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have survived, he took me in when my mother basically dumped me on him. I was severely neglected and abused." With tears in his eyes he smiled at Yoongi, "he saved me."

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